Flossie Malavialle...
A French singer who came to this area and stayed...I only saw her for the first time last year as she sang two or three song at the local folk club on the town. And now she is in demand around the world. All being well, Flossie appears at my local music club this coming Tuesday and will be giving a full performance. And I hope to be there in the audience. Shades of KD Lang...
In this video she performs a song most associated with the famous French singer Edith Piaf, "La Vie En Rose"
That's one big guitar...
I'm surprised you're not camping at Glastonbury this weekend, Gildy.
I like that VQ :o)
I probably would have been found in the caberet tent...and been watching Kenny Rogers concert this afternoon.
Some have been ageist about Mick Jagger etc...but in reality I have found older performers often give good value. I have found that myself.
And even Kenny is 74 years old. I missed it on TV unfortunately.
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