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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

It's Raining Again...

So what's new...they say we may have some sunny weather at the weekend so just maybe the free Proms in the Park concert will be blessed.

A rucksack with ham rolls, some fruit, a flask or something alcoholic may be taken. At best I might be able to take a sheet to sit/lay on and my camera. Not much else when on foot and using buses. And as I eat what I have taken it will become lighter. I'll take my camera.

Hope the battery lasts long enough to cover the night in videos and images...

I think that I will be in Durham on the Sunday for the brass bands parading and performing in the streets...again will take my rucksack but there is a nice fish and chip shop near the bus station so I may give in and treat myself.

The following weekend it is the Durham Miners Gala which I have never seen and is under threat so I hope to attend. And then the following day at the local railway museum The Bearpark and Esh Colliery Band is to perform a free concert. So my weekends are taken care of for the next two weeks all being well.

Well, tonight I'm off to see the concert with Flossie Malavialle and hoping for a great night. If I can(and its allowed)I'll video some of it and link to my blog...


Anonymous VQ said...

Sounds as if you're having a whale of a time, Gildy. Good for you!
Just a thought in case you're relying on the fish and chips in Durham.... will they be open on a Sunday? Here in London, they're usually closed.
Didn't want you to go hungry!
Have fun.

2 July 2013 at 21:11  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

That's a good point VQ. Thanks for caring...I believe its open all week and just maybe that's because they get tourists and it is also a university town.

It is down a side street and away from the main retail area but seems to do ok.

There's so much going on this coming weekend. I fear if I take too many video's the battery will run out. I will have to be so careful what I choose to record.

3 July 2013 at 02:58  

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