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Friday, June 28, 2013

Is It Really Friday Already?

Yep, looks as though it is...

Well, not much going on...suddenly got it into my head that if its not raining tomorrow I may again try to take off and visit Richmond.

Now I have it in mind to visit Whitby. I have never been there. Possibly as early as next week. I am booked to go on a trip to Briddlington at the end of July. I keep forgetting I am moving ever closer to being a pensioner myself and the trip there is with people that are...pensioners and usually live in sheltered accommodation. I have never had problems mixing with young and old alike and it will be a change.

The problem with uploading video's to the blog...I'm working on it and am discussing the problem on a forum connected to the computer magazine that I buy. Also it may mean converting them to a different format so I have downloaded some free software that may help. I will wait awhile longer before seeing if this is the problem. Others are having problems and it may be a fault or something that blogger could fix.

For my evening meal tonight I'm thinking potatoes, peas, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower and rainbow trout followed by banoffee pie.

I am continuing to go the right way with my weight and at present am 130lbs. That's approx 4lbs over the weight I was wanting to reach of 9st(126lbs)

If I can get to 8st 7lbs(119lbs)that would be great. I'm aiming for that only so I have some extra leeway so if I put some weight on I am not constantly the wrong side of 9st. And I can go up or down.


Anonymous VQ said...

Oooooooh Whitby! The best place for fish and chips.
My late husband's ancestors were jet workers in Church Street, Whitby and I visited a few years ago to retrace their footsteps. Good job I did. I could never do it now.
Don't even try to go up the steps to the Abbey, Gildy. It'll kill you.

28 June 2013 at 18:09  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Like you I'm doing these things now...
1.Physically I may find that I am unable to do many trips in the future.
2.Without the bus pass I may not be able to afford to.

Hope to get some videos up that without sound will be good to look at and the new camera does allow longer than 15 seconds like the old one did.

As video kills the battery very quickly may invest in a second battery or bite the bullet and get a digital video camera so video's are done seperately.

Yes VQ, I've heard about the steps at the Abbey, I do believe they might have been closed off now because the ground has shifted. I think I read the Abbey was under threat.

You know I may spash out and have some fish and chips...well if I get there free or the train fare is not that expensive why not!

Hope you are well...remember if you want to tell me anything privately as I have to ok posts before posting it won't be posted on the site. ;O)

Jan told me some things which stayed off site.

Much as I dislike having to use it to stop spam etc...using modification does allow some confidentiality.

28 June 2013 at 18:29  

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