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Thursday, July 18, 2013

I'm Wilting...

In the little on as possible, windows open, blinds and curtains closed still struggling.

Well, I attended the hospital for my check up...

More positives than negatives...

They were happy with the blood pressure reading, the bloods(no sign of diabetes)Cholesterol doesn't seem a problem, no protein in the urine, weight is down(even though I was approx 8lbs lighter for a few weeks before)I was bang on 10stone. Still advised I do not require statins so I did the right thing not to start taking them.

Had it verified that the possible reason for my kidney condition/damage was taking Ibuprofen which considering I never was one for taking pills or had much pain that required taking any painkillers is ironic. So I can blame myself for taking them or the locum Dr who prescribed them. Then again most take them without adverse effects and there was no reason why I was going to be unlucky.

I discovered but I did not want to know that I appear to have 60% kidney function or that is how they calculate things but my condition is stable, they are happy and seem not overly concerned. I got the impression today that my function had improved and was perhaps 70%(if that is possible)

What was interesting is that the regime of drugs I have been on for approx 17 years is a prototype that my consultant invented or followed and has been very successful and yet a different model of treatment and choice of drugs on patients at a hospital approx 32 miles away have not had as good results so I have been fortunate to be located where I am and to be seen by my particular consultant.

We suspect the drugs have taken their tole in other ways(mobility problems)but they have kept my kidneys going and I am still here so which is better?

I find(and I don't know whether the attitude of dr's/consultants has improved)or whether it just because of how I talk to them and don't treat them as gods but equals(or am I just fortunate)but I find just as I have with MP's and councillors I have recently been in contact with, we talk easily and comfortably with each other. The  Dr I saw today even admitted that he gets aprehensive when he has to go for an appointment and yes his blood pressure goes up when he has it taken. I suspect its worse when you are a Dr because you know what the likely outcome of treatment or a condition will be.

Unless something unexpected happens or I decide I have to proceed with another medical matter, I am not expected for the next check up until November 21st.


Anonymous VQ said...

Pretty good news then, Gildy.
I believe that getting out and about and enjoying life just has to be a plus where your general health is concerned. Adding your varied and healthy diet to that, I see no reason why you shouldn't live to be 100!

Having said that, this heat is a killer.
Tip of the day: soak some flannels in cold water then wring out and pop them into the freezer. Later, when the heat becomes unbearable, take one out and straighten it out and place it on the back of your neck or on top of your head. At the same time, gingerly place your feet in a washing up bowl half full of cold water. (Place a towel on the floor, next to the bowl for when you take your feet out of the bowl). Bliss!

18 July 2013 at 23:21  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

What great ideas VQ...I thought about you :o)

I hope you enjoyed your visit to the New Forrest. How did you cope with the heat. Or were you following your tips?

Suppose it depends if you were in a cottage looking after yourself or a hotel/guest house.

Yes reasonable news today and as you have seen I have been quite busy.

19 July 2013 at 00:36  
Anonymous VQ said...

There are tour buses in the New Forest, Gildy. Three different tours, each covering a different part of the forest. They are open topped, double decker buses. It takes a bit of effort to get up the stairs but well worth it. With such high temperatures, it was certainly worth the money just to get the wonderful breeze as we went along!
Also, my cousin and I rented a cottage for the week. It was in a particularly convenient spot and the walls were very thick so it was beautifully cool inside.
It's a lovely place to 665visit but, of course, it's always good to get home again.

19 July 2013 at 10:09  

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