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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I Was Saddened To Hear...

by chance that a member of a comedy group similar to the Barron Knights and the Black Abbots had passed away. The Grumbleweeds had five members(I think)they played and sang music but the comedy took over and they ended up with a long running radio series which transferred to television.

In recent years they disbanded and two continued to have a career working together as a duo, mainly appearing in pantomimes etc...Robin Colvill and Graham Walker who has passed away.

So as I may have said in an earlier post my local theatre is holding a tribute night and it is said that many well known performers are likely to appear(no names have been announced as yet)and it will be both a touching but enjoyable night. I assume it is some kind of benefit to raise money for his family or a charity he supports but that will probably be announced nearer the time and as yet it is only my opinion.

Their humour was daft, uncruel and simple, something lost in much of today's comedy, that show takes place in November.

At short notice I have decided whilst able to attend a Proms Concert at the local theatre and I have managed to book one of the final tickets that is available. Views may be restricted but its an orchestra and I'll hear it. I'm only ten rows from the stage and am on the side so I may still have a fairly decent view.

Another hot day, mixed feelings, I shouldn't complain as when Winter arrives this place will be cold and I'll be complaining about it and trying to avoid using the central heating to save money. I'll be back in the thermals and trying to stay warm indoors.

I covered myself in factor 50 sun cream on Saturday at the Gala and have since discovered that the backs of my hands have been caught by the sun and are a kind of mahogany colour but everywhere else has remained pale. I have no plans to get tanned over the rest of my body so wonder how long it will take to fade from my hands. I've never been bothered about having a suntan. Will have to get the sun cream on. The hat has kept my head safe.

I was going to listen to some music via Spotify's free music service especially now that you can listen to any track without them being limited to five plays but I discovered that the 10 hour monthly restriction still exists so I have to wait until August before I can listen again.


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