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Friday, July 19, 2013

Who Needs An Excuse?

I've been so good for months rarely eating and cakes or biscuits. I gave in a few minutes ago and had a Pineapple Cube Cupcake...well, one day I may not be allowed to so whilst I can...

I have another fifteen to get through(not all the same flavours)I hasten to add. I'd like to make some and think I am able but at approx 38p each not sure I could make them any cheaper(ingredients/energy)and on my own they may go stale quickly.

Its another scorcher and I don't think I'll be eating much today but will wait until later. The windows are open, blinds/curtains closed and I'm staying indoors.

Think Saturday/Sunday will be busy and I will slap the old sun cream on...and yes, it looks as though its Durham in the morning, Sedgefield in the afternoon and into the evening. Sunday Raby Castle(the bus service is a problem)I could lose 90 mins of the day because they start so late but I am hoping I can get around that and get back an hour so I will only miss 30 minutes. They don't make it easy.

If I can make it there...I can enter the grounds for £1.50 and should I decide to look around the castle it will cost £4.50 instead of the usual charge of £10. So we shall see how it goes.

ETA...We have a breeze at last and some cloud cover so it may become a little cooler...hopefully!


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