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Sunday, June 09, 2013

What Did I Have For Dinner Tonight...

The meal that I had tonight was unplanned and something else was pencilled in but like a bolt out of the blue whilst out this afternoon I thought salad and burger, considering I haven't had a burger for years where did that idea come from?

Can't believe it...I eat a meal at a time that is reasonably early and normal. As I put the food on the plate I thought, "I'll not eat all that!" But I did and enjoyed it.

Basically a salad(spring onions, sweet red pepper, watercress, spinach, tomato, cucumber, radishes, Jersey potatoes, Cheddar cheese with sweet pickled onions and green chives)and for the first time in years, a burger in a bun with onions. It was a decent burger but I had to cut the bun down as it was too big.

I had a couple of yogurts when I came in from my afternoon out too. Then again it was my first meal since 11pm yesterday which meant that I was able to have my blood tested in the pharmacy at Tesco's for diabetes and it was fine so that's always good to know. The last time I had that test must be over twenty years ago.
A little secret, the last two meals I have shared images of, the plates have had Christmas trees on them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that your blood sugars aren't tested on a regular basis when you suffer from a kidney disease.

Nearly every kidney failure or dialysis patient has Diabetes.

A fasting blood sugar of 5 is perfectly normal.

I think you over think our health concerns.

9 June 2013 at 01:34  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I don't sit around thinking about my illness etc...

The last time I had a check for diabetes was over twenty years ago.

My cholestoral is considered high and years ago the consultant suggested statins and then dropped the idea and didn't follow it up.

Recently my Dr said I should take them, I checked again and the consultant still says no.

The diabetes check was free so I thought...why not take it. So whoever did it if its good news, I'll take it.

I eat as well as I am able, I'd have done that anyhow.

It could be included in the blood check that happens quarterly. They worry about protein increasing...

9 June 2013 at 01:59  

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