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Tuesday, June 04, 2013

I've Never Been So Relieved...

to be able to say all the bags that I planned to relocate from the garage have finally been moved. Not looking forward to having to go through them but will asap.

When I come in tonight from the music club I have a little bit of a mess to clear on the landing and in the dining room(will take some of it to the charity shop first thing in the morning)and the rest will go into cupboards.

Then I shall over Wednesday and Thursday try and actually remove, throw out what's left in garage and have it taken away by gardener between now and Friday...

It has taken a lot out of me and I am tired, I wanted to go down to the supermarket and get something nice for a meal but will use what I have in my store. I will save my energy to get to the club tonight.

My legs are covered in bruises(I assume from pressing against the rungs of the ladder)

The work has been more difficult due to the hot weather we've been fortunate to get at last but I have not been able to enjoy it...hope it lasts a bit longer.

I may give in and try and have a good nights sleep and start afresh tomorrow...that gives me two full days(and a bit)to be ready.


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