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Monday, May 20, 2013

So Tired...

But behind on the clearing and tidying...I hope that I can say I am finished by Friday morning or have made enough of a difference. Did I say that many are suspicious, angry at how I have been treated. All feel it is strange.

I am sleepy and I have a very sore/painful big toe...I have a feeling its gout again...How you get gout from a diet that is mainly salad/fruit based...I'll blame the water tablets again. Oh and though its the left big toe that is affected...the right one has a black nail as though it is bruised.

Have struggled with a pair of old lawn mowers to cut the front lawn and clear some weeds away and hope to do the back lawn before they visit on Friday morning, weather permitting. I may try and buy some plants tomorrow and get them into the tubs and borders.

The point is that I can work anytime indoors but gardens have to be sorted during daylight hours. Especially if it makes noise as any garden machinery does. I may have to invest in a new mower...and if I take it easy and only mow once a month(ish)I might be able to survive without a gardener.

I have purchased some very strong bin bags to put what I am getting rid of into...I have broken up a bedroom chest of drawers and have an old chair but am looking for a free way to get rid of them as if I have it taken away by the council I will have to part with quite a lot of money...

I am back(was I ever not?)on reasonably good food...mainly fruit, vegetables, cereal, grains, salads, yogurt etc...and when all the problems are sorted(I hope)to start having a go at making some new meals and combinations which I will post/link to. Perhaps that you can all try.


Blogger Span Ows said...

Hi Gildy, a late spring clean! Good on you. Get black bin bags, there are some really strong green garden ones but if you put them out some councils won't take it where as black you can disguise a s'normal' rubbish.

Re food, lots of fruit but more veg (less sugars)

21 May 2013 at 08:07  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Hi Span,
If I don't get really sorted in the next two days, I am in trouble. They made me clear more than planned but you still can only get rid of so much when you have to use wheelie bins.

The good news is I have managed to catch up on the front garden quicker than planned, been working against the weather and the garden has shot away. Got some weeding to do but have cleared quite a lot.

If we get some dry weather over the next week all will be well.

Hope to rattle through the back garden on Thursday...

I'm out tonight but then if I have to I'll work solidly for the next two days and nights...on the house...

I think I can clear the bathroom and the mess I made in a bedroom by tomorrow night. That leaves the kitchen on Thursday.

I need a new lawn mower to be honest...could do with a hedge trimmer too.

I got the front lawn mowed in an hour last evening and got all my tubs and baskets planted within an hour this afternoon.

They're ok...nothing special I have used three types, Gerainiums, pansy's, marigolds. They don't require much care and will hopefully give plenty of colour once in bloom.

If I can afford to and have time I may get some others for the border in the front garden.

21 May 2013 at 14:44  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

As far as diet, my meals are mainly vegetable based and I use frozen and fresh and am willing to try something new.

Very much into root vegetables and those of a darker colour. If I eat meat its mainly chicken/turkey and will try most types of fish.

I eat less fruit but tend to stick to strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. Grapes, bananas and apples.

When I have cereal or fruit for breakfast I now often have yogurt instead of milk.

And sometimes add a kind of present I have some milled lindseed, gojiberries, sunflower and pumpkinseeds.

21 May 2013 at 14:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if you have anything like it there or not, but we have a thing called here.

You put things up that you want to get rid of and if anyone's interested they'll contact you.

Just a thought...


30 May 2013 at 01:11  

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