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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Having A Rest...

Then back to work...I can't clear everything and so have put some bags in the garage and will start again over the weekend but I can say that by 2pm at the latest the house is tidy. I will explain that later in the week my gardener will take more away for me which is quicker than waiting for the normal rubbish collection...and from 2pm I'll give the house another vacuum, a quick dust and polish.

I will also explain that the reason it has taken longer is because I had to sort out documents and shred a lot which takes time...and of course the garden has been sorted out too...

If time allows I will continue to clear more away...

I'm reasonably happy, I hope that they are...much of what has been thrown out, I just chucked away because I could not be bothered but there was nothing wrong with it and it wasn't rubbish as such but I suppose what you could say is it means there is little if any ornaments that need fussy dusting.


Blogger markdebby said...

Hiya, I think you have done an awful lot of work. If it was me I would put it in black bags and put it in the garage.( the stuff that is left)
I would say nothing to them on Friday other than any questions they ask. Saying stuff to them draws attention to something.
Hope all goes well.

23 May 2013 at 11:13  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks,I appreciate that...its the shredding that takes the time. The gardener decided it would take too long to complete the task for Friday so its been bagged and if all goes well on Friday, I'll start on it a bag at a time...and perhaps have more to send to the tip.

It won't be replaced, when its gone, its gone...

My gardener says if they say anything to tell them that he's helping and taking stuff away for me.

I think they are being over the top because in my town they were involved in a news story where a "Hoarder" died because of the amount of stuff in her house when there was a fire.

But the difference is it was junk and it was floor to ceiling, its not like that here at all. And you could not get around her home.

Now you could ask how did the HA allowed it to get that bad or were not on the ball sooner. In my case they've gone to extreme and silly lengths.

23 May 2013 at 15:20  
Anonymous VQ said...

Thinking of you today, Gildy and wondering how you got on with 'the visit'. I hope it went well.

24 May 2013 at 15:36  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

It seemed to go ok VQ but I am still suspicious and they keep saying that I am not under threat of eviction or being moved on(subject to paying the bedroom tax and rent of course)that's bad enough...

They said it was a standard letter not specifically tailored to me.

What we both cannot quite understand is that they want to make yet another visit in two weeks.

As said before I'm not a hoarder nor dirty. Would I be that stupid(if that way inclined)to return to the ways that they were complaining about?

They say it is procedure. They took photo's again. Even my friend asked what they were coming back for but never really got a real answer.

They said "Do you mind if we come and see you again in a fortnight's time" but it is obvious saying no isn't an option...

24 May 2013 at 16:25  
Anonymous VQ said...

Oh well, it could have been worse, I suppose. I'm glad you had a friend with you for a bit of moral support.
Have some bread baking in the oven next time. That smell always puts people in a good mood. :-)

24 May 2013 at 16:55  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I saw my Dr tonight and have his support and backing. They come across different in person to what they do in letters etc...

They could've left it as an informal visit initially with provision to call and see if things have improved and then send official warnings, not do so immediately.

24 May 2013 at 20:58  
Blogger markdebby said...

Glad it went well. Have some bread in the oven. It smells good.

25 May 2013 at 21:48  

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