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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Food...Yum, Yum...

I wanted to take my time at the Food Festival. Sit in the sun. Look at all that was on offer, when not on your own you sometimes feel rushed so hope to go again Sunday. I did come home with some treats(Raspberry Curd, Sweet Cider Chutney, Strawberry Jam With Champagne)and a Sourdough Bloomer Loaf but probably missed something.

I spent too much but if I avoid spending on other things...use the food I have in the house and buy whilst I am able, its good to treat yourself. Really the most silly purchase probably was the bread but I have never had such a loaf before. I am thinking of making my own in the next few days. And I thought if I try one first I can decide if I like it.

The jams and chutneys were not any more expensive that what you buy in a supermarket unless you usually purchase the range that is around 39p-59p. But they are special because they are homemade and not on such a grand scale and the variety of  flavours not usually available. They cost between £2.70 and £3.50. I can make jams and chutneys last ages. And until opened they will be still ok in 2014/2015. The sweets and alcohol looked lovely but sadly they really were too expensive.

When I came home I bought a cheap/small roasting dish and oven tray...its good enough for me. And some washing items for the washer were on offer at half price.

I was so slow and wanted to keep having a sit down(but some areas had no seats or walls)and being with someone else I felt a bit rushed and had to keep this updating of the post...I found I was unable to sleep very well as my legs were restless, uncomfortable and I was in pain. I did return on the second was more relaxed, I saw more and was able to rest.

Also my companion wanted a meal(I didn't)and made do with a cup of coffee...I reckon with his beer and meal he spent £10. That is approx 3-4 meals for me or extra shopping on food.

And if I am saving on bus fares and watching my budget though a meal is nice, it defeats my being frugal. I planned to eat when I came home but I am more likely to take some home made rolls and some drinks in a rucksack which will do me. Or I would look for the traditional cafe doing simple fare like beans on toast.


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