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Friday, February 08, 2013

Older Parents...

Dad's in particular.

They come in for some stick especially in the media. The entertainer Des O'Connor became a father when he was 72 and it has been announced today that the nightclub owner Peter Stringfellow(there are a few ages being given so unsure which is accurate)but it could be 72 or 74.

I don't particularly have a problem myself over this. Though it may be sad that it is likely that said parent may not live to see the child become an adult and if the relationship is good between the child and parent it will be sad for the child to lose a parent.

Then we have the question over the health of the parent who could end up in care or have dementia.

Well, people much younger have health problems and die. And when we are being told that many live longer and their health is said to be better and medical science has improved, is it wrong to have children so late in life. Is it more a problem of attitude and changing the perception we as a race have?

I may get shot down in flames here but it is not unlike the uneasiness there is about older people(parents in particular)still having a sex life.

And another thing that comes to mind and I am not an expert but genetically a man can sire offspring at any age but a woman does have the disadvantage that as the years go by there are complications that can result in a child being born with various medical problems and if she does not have children by a certain age there is the menopause.

Now we come onto something that is probably the most contentious of all. I throw it out into the ether with no strong feelings as such.

It is more a case of can you afford to give the child the life it deserves but then who can ever say we can afford to have a family whatever our age. The difference here is that...

People generally in public life, celebrities, politicians etc...probably are financially sound and will not be dependent on the state. So if unfortunately they do not live long enough the child and assuming there is a partner they will be cared for.

Using myself as an example I doubt that I will ever be in a situation where I will meet someone to have a relationship with and certainly not young enough to have children with. I am not financially secure, have health problems and no way am I an Adonis. If I was a father now, I would be in my 70's so would be "Oldish"

Now again, a lot of older men in show business are married to younger women. They move in different circles. Often they have had a few relationships and children. And they want a family. And if they wait it may be too late. I seem to remember Des O'Connor saying something along the lines that he was unsure, he had children from previous marriages and because of his age whether to start a family again but as his wife was younger was it right to deny her the right of a child. Because hopefully it is planned and not an accident or just the man's decision.

And again it has to be said most of those who have children "Very" late in life especially in the media(not always I'll admit)are in pretty good shape physically and can pass for being younger whereas many of those I see in my world do not. This could be for a very of reasons including the type of work they have perhaps had to example? Building roads is different to standing in front of audience telling jokes.

Is it different inheriting children as a step father? And if it is why is it? I won't give another celeb's name but he is 70 and his step daughter is 14 so by the time she is an adult he'll be in his middle 70's.

Then again perhaps there is a certain age that we are not allowed to reach in any circumstances.

I'm not saying that I am right, it's a personal thing in the end. I hope that I have been respectful of those I mentioned in my examples.

And it's not something I see myself ever having to consider. They say our world is very tolerant but often our prejudices show through.


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