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Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Just Been Thinking...

I really love my food and would dread the day if I had to avoid certain foods on health grounds. I like looking at cooking books and tv shows even if I'll never ever get around to making the recipes and I know what to mix and choose for a good and varied diet and yet...

Though not starving myself and through not being bothered. I eat much less and wonder how I ever used to eat breakfast, lunch and evening meal(possibly something like toast or whatever)before bed.

I don't know whether I have got out of the habit when caring for Mum and we kind of ate when we felt like it. My meal portions are smaller too.

I sometimes think convention has a lot to do with when we eat and if we have perhaps work or other commitments that take up your time...

Breakfast and perhaps a light snack to set you up for working the morning and afternoon and then if you have a partner/family perhaps come home to a meal...

Now whether it is thought of as wrong, I sleep when I wish and eat when I sometimes what I eat may seem unusual to some...

I was eating a bowl of beef, vegetables and gravy at 8am yesterday morning, once I would never have been seen doing that at all. Yes I might have thought it odd myself.

Today, so far all I have had is some marmite and bread. Having said that I did have some more of my stew(or is that casserole? what is the difference?)at 9pm last night.

I like not being tied to the clock.

Update:Someone has kindly explained the difference...a casserole is cooked in an oven, a stew is cooked on the hob.


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