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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

A Friend Who Has Been So Very Kind...

She introduced me to a free music night on the town that gets me out of the house once a week and gets me into company. It does guarantee one night where I can socialise if my other treats have to be reduced/stopped.

Tonight, she surprised me with a book written by a great food writer who was used by the Government during the war to teach/inform the public how they could eat well and survive on rationed food.

And many these days are for a variety of reasons are looking at recipes of our past and rediscovering many of the meals that our parents and grandparents ate...her name is Marguerite Patten.

I will be reading and hopefully using and adapting many of the recipes inside. I don't remember doing it before(but must have)I have been soaking some potatoes to get rid of some of the potassium and need to use them I am going to either par boil them and turn them into mashed potato or...have a go at doing my own roast potatoes. So again another couple of ideas that I can use to give me a change to my range of culinary skills. I can already do bubble and squeak and other variations.

I have also decided another time to do my own version of roasted vegetables(much cheaper than the versions available in the supermarkets)so a few ideas to have go at...


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