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Sunday, February 03, 2013

It's A Busy Day Tomorrow...

The Housing Association wants to do a check of the electrics on the house which I could do without(I'd already delayed this visit once and cannot do so again)and now I have to make an appointment with the Dr's as it seems I have a stye, something I have never had before and not sure I have ever seen one before. I'll try and be seen in the morning and get myself sorted out...

I've some final tidying up to do and I have a meal cooking in the slow cooker which I can make into a few days worth...there's a final bit of meatloaf in there and lots of vegetables(Potatoes, swede, carrots, mushrooms, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, garlic, sweetcorn, peas, red onion, onion, parsnip, celery, leeks)


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