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Saturday, February 23, 2013

I Won't Comment...

but came across the following articles and feel they deserve to be forwarded. I am trying to look at them unbiasedly and keep politics out of it. Looking at it moralistically. How society looks after its own...or doesn't.

Callum's List

Food Poverty

Should you read the link on food poverty what stood out in the article for me was the following "The report noted the "staggering" fact that one in 10 families in Canada lived in food insecure households. It found that charity-based food aid had proliferated and nearly 900,000 Canadians were accessing foodbanks each month."

And in the case of the UK...

"One of the most robust sources of food poverty data is compiled by the Trussell Trust, which currently oversees 309 foodbanks and is opening new ones at the rate of three a week. In 2010 it fed 60,000 people. In the last 10 months it has issued food parcels to 245,000"

"For the first time in the UK you have got a developed country, the seventh richest in the world, unable to ensure working people can feed, clothe and shelter themselves," said Jamie Burton, chairman of Just Fair"

Only a few media outlets are giving publicity to the problems we face and often it falls on the internet to get the word out but that can give such stories a feeling of being subvasive and almost as though it is being done under cover and there is something wrong about doing so. That many genuine people are seen as being extreme. Most are just genuinely concerned citizens.


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