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Sunday, December 16, 2012

One Of My Not So Good Days...

They come and they go. I can't really afford to spend money at present and knowing how tough it is likely to get doesn't help. Had a letter from the council that gives me an idea how much extra I have to find weekly to live from April(It won't be easy)think that will be another £22 per week but with the worry that income will be reduced or scrapped means that other ways to absorb some of the extra outgoings may not be possible.

I have my forms which will have to filled in during the next few days whilst try to hang onto hope that the dreaded letter or phone call that follows the assessment will not be"Bad" news... 

Many have/are going through the system already and those of us who have to take the Government's shilling due to illness, caring for others etc...I know others are struggling, many who are working and because wages are too low, many are still having to have their wages still made up by the State.

I was talking to an employee(ok anecdotal)in a national retailer's yesterday. Luckily, her husband has a job that is offering a full time job but without her part time job, they would not be able to manage but equally if she worked more hours they would actually be worse off.

So a catch 22 situation. They keep saying that there are more jobs now and more people in work but recently there have been a number of reports that kind of contradict what the Government says and the statistics that they put out.

The truth is most of the jobs are temporary or part time and so there is little security for the employee and as they are part time less money is coming into the house. And here is the twist, you have to work thirty hours before being entitled to any help. So unless you can find two jobs you could be in real trouble.  And if you have a less than reliable public transport service so you can get to work or can afford to run a car(which is not a luxury any more)you are stuck. It's quite frightening.

The problem is that most of what is earned goes to paying rent, council tax and soon the bedroom tax. And then for many it is a decision of whether to heat or eat.

OK I managed a little treat out last night but that was because I cut back on other things, just to get out into some company for a couple of hours helps stop me feeling depressed or worrying(but you still have to come back to reality)

Even the event I attended cost approx £12 by the time you take in the bus fare and ticket. That is quite inexpensive by today's standards and I doubt you could get a night out for much cheaper especially when you have to include the cost of getting there and home. But on what many are surviving even that can seem quite costly.

Where others were having a few drinks from the bar I did without. I took myself(and wasn't stopped from doing so)a couple of small bottles of water flavoured with Vimto squash(and a couple of packet of crisps)

It was a lovely couple of hours and everyone was happy...Jez Lowe and The Bad Pennies.

Remember when I said Darlington looked dead the other night? I do wonder how businesses are staying open. Even in Bishop Auckland going to the show I had to pass some very big pubs and they looked warm and inviting and remember we are talking a Saturday night, some were empty or only had at best three or four people propping up the bar.

When you are having to pay for staff and keeping the place warm, lighting, rent and rates it any wonder so many places are closing? Once again, even the takeaways were all empty as I passed them. It's quite miserable really.

Many places are not surviving, I purchased an Alice band for Mum last time I was in the same town centre(It sold all kinds of costume jewellery and fashion accessories)when I went past yesterday it had disappeared and had become a mobile phone shop.



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