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Saturday, December 08, 2012

Mixed Day...

Tried to do a little shop and have some time out of the house, that was a struggle, I don't know how I made it back home, I am now having a lay down and plan to stay put for at least an hour.

I managed to spend more than planned but have some nice things that will make a few meals/sandwiches. In reality I saved approx £8 even though I spent £11.

Eight chipolata sausages, jaffa cakes, eight limited edition yogurts, turkey and pork sausage, milk, four beef steak burgers with vintage cheddar cheese. A non food item of sewing needles. When I have those beef burgers(and I thought long and hard before giving in)it will be the first time I have eaten any beef for almost thirty years. Unless, you include my recent eating of corned beef.

I must admit I avoided it on health grounds. And still will have to be careful due to my kidney problems I eat smaller portions of meat anyhow. But my reason for avoiding it was the stories of how some people lost their body and brain functions. I am still a bit wary but think that I may risk it now. They say if you eat protein the best choices are chicken and turkey or fish.

I will have to try and finish my tasks around the house, I only have approx 40 hours to get everything sorted. I think I can complete the little bit of painting and clear the rubbish in the outhouse by bedtime tonight. The kitchen might take an hour to tidy.

Then a quick vacuum and I can do no more. But I am reasonably prepared for the visit that the Landlord is supposed to be making here. The one job that may not be completed is the rubbish I was going through on the landing so I may have to bag that up again and go through that later in the week but I have managed to fill four wheelie bins so far.

One sad aspect today is that not only was John Lennon assassinated in 1980 but the first real accident that affected Mum in her last few years happened in 2008 when Mum fell downstairs and crushed a vertebrae in her spine. And it was a very scary time. Little did we know what the coming years was to bring.


Blogger Span Ows said...

Hi Gildy, if you haven't had beef for all that time why start now (and why burgers!)?. A small cut of meat would probably be cheaper and certainly better for you and to help digest you could mince it or chop it finely.

Re protein a mix it always better. Eggs and beans etc too.

9 December 2012 at 14:43  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well Span, I got four prime burgers with vintage cheese in the mix. You know I could do as you suggest by crumbling them up rather than having them as they are.

They were over £4 and I paid £1.75 so they are coming in at around 55p each so stick in a bun or with other things like vegetables or baked beans or something a cheap and nutritional meal.

Whilst at the memorial carol service this afternon(shed a few tears I admit)but felt so calm afterwards, I was talking to someone mentioned that Tesco's the other night were seling full chickens for 1p!

Lucky if you hit the time when they were available but what a bargain. The bad news they were on sale at 2am in the morning!

9 December 2012 at 19:01  

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