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Friday, December 07, 2012

Can't Help It...

Bought myself some clothes at the charity shop. Well, at 99p how can I be robbed? I have three nice  jumpers to keep me warm and even found a men's dressing gown. So that's all for £3.96 and I also found a grey and black pom pom hat at the discount supermarket for approx £3.50.

So I think that is reasonable value.

I have had to go slow and could not do such tasks on a regular bases but I have almost cleared the rubbish in the house, painted the radiators where some paint had come off exposing the base metal. I probably should have painted the whole radiator but they look better already. Good enough for me. I had one strip of wallpaper to paint(that's done)and managed to plaster a couple of small cracks. Not great DIY but again good enough.

All being well next week I have two memorial carol services to attend where I can remember both Mum and Dad. On my town this Sunday and in a church at a neighbouring town on Tuesday. I still hope to get back to the music club afterwards. Next Saturday I see Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies in concert again at Bishop Auckland Town Hall. Hopefully, I will still find some joy at this time of year. My first Christmas on my own...


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