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Thursday, December 13, 2012

I Got My Christmas Cake :o)

and a few extras besides...of the Yellow stickered variety.

The check out girl said if it is too much I can freeze it into portions and make it last longer. That's good to know. I have some Mr Kipling Luxury Mince Pies £1.80 for a box of six but for an extra 20p there were two boxes so that's twelve pies which seemed a better buy to me. Also some Mr Kipling Winter Warmers on a similar offer. So I will try and have a Christmas full of nice things to eat and drink and put the effort in. Of course I am missing the most important element but will do my best.

I managed to fall on the way home. I am sure if anyone was watching me attempt not to, I looked as though I was drunk. I'd like to blame the icy paths but I think I just lost my balance, the only good thing is that I fell on grass not on the path or road itself.

Tonight I managed some more "nice" things and though I spent around £6(I saved approx £7)and I can stretch the roast sliced pork and prawns over a few meals and sandwiches. But I have something worth £4 which cost me £2(a little more than I normally budget for food for one day but something I would not normally consider it is a treat a kind of fancy Roast with potato, butternut squash, pine nuts, port and other ingredients)

It's a bit fancy TBH.

A brass band was in the entrance of the supermarket playing carols and it gave me a melancholic feeling, I suspect that they always will...I found myself thinking of when I was a child and I felt safe as though I could come to no harm and all was well as Mum and Dad were there.


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