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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Was Lucky Again On The...

Yellow stickered stuff again at the supermarket yesterday but the trouble is that where some stick to the same time of day for putting the food out, mine varies which makes it difficult to hit the store at the right time and they seem to favour around 5pm more. Now that is ok as I can go there anytime. But if I was working on a low wage or on some kind of work training programme I would lose out.

Anyhow, if I had the room in the freezer yesterday some of the bargains were great but as I haven't I could only buy a few items...I risked some items that I might normally have thought twice of purchasing...A Tuna Steak, Fresh Mackerel, Dover Sole and sliced Roast Pork with stuffing. All worth £10.16 and I paid £6. It all helps.

So unless I can get that into the freezer perhaps I will have to think about fish for the next few days and/or sandwiches to use up the ham and pork I have in the fridge. I still have some slices of corned beef to use up and I have used that longer than I was supposed to(I don't stick rigidly to dates on food)but even I think now I'll let the few slices that remain to be thrown away for safety. May give it to the birds...

Well, I'm away to try and declutter my home for a few hours and see what rubbish I can get rid of and I may have a look out on my town tonight there is a  sports club/pub tat has a regular sort of music night if my mobility was better I'd walk but it is quite a distance away and the buses are not regular and it still needs a little walk from the nearest stop. So I may have to use a taxi which will add £5 to the cost but I think the night is either free or costs perhaps £3 or the price of a drink and raffle. So for me I may have to spend £10 others may be spending nearer £5.

I'll see how I feel about attending as the day goes on. Tonight's guest plays guitar and sings songs mainly of the 30's and 40's.

Update:Made a start on the rubbish and managed to get rid of quite a bit, I am going to the show, I will have a drink and there may be a raffle so I may by some tickets. After all I will be expected to spend something, that's the idea of getting entertainment in after all. I will do some more work when I come back in.

So I'll have a meal at 5pm...think I'll have chips, garlic sausage and eggs, then I'll get myself tidied ready to go out. A simple meal because of speed but also I had to create space in the freezer to put things in but that meant taking things out. For date reasons but also what is now in the freezer is worth more.

My new(but cheap)wristwatch packed up last week so I went down the small market and found the guy who replaces watch batteries, thankfully that's all it was.

The weather is improved a bit today but as it is late afternoon it is starting to get dark and I can feel it is getting colder. My hands are cold. May have a nice hot mug of coffee.


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