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Saturday, December 01, 2012

Food Banks...

Not boasting or trying to be better than anyone else but in a local supermarket on my town I found they were collecting for a Food Bank. So I did not buy anything for myself but had a little shop just to give to the appeal.

In passing I asked where they were based...

I am proud(but ashamed)that it is based on my town at "My" church. I had no idea that it existed. I'm only ashamed in that it is so sad that they are needed in a supposedly rich country in the 21st Century which they say the UK is. And more of them are opening all the time.

The people giving the most are those who have the least to give themselves.

A church is so much more than a place of worship but as numbers dwindle even they are trying to do so much with a smaller amount of money which they need for repairs, heating, electric and no doubt other expenses that I have not thought of.

It is ironic how much food is wasted and thrown away by many supermarkets, yet the best place to catch people to ask for a donation of food is the supermarket.


Blogger Span Ows said...

I agree, if each shopper gave just a single item - and everyone CAN afford one item - then after one day you could probably fill a van with the food.

3 December 2012 at 16:50  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I may give again.

OK I did not have much money with me or the time so I went for the obvious corn flakes and baked beans but it was a decent brand and one can was 70p but three were only £1 so that was a better buy.

But if they have a quick turn over of goods there is always canned fish and/or meat. Pasta, soup etc...perhaps some fresh vegetables.

Tinned fruit, rice pudding etc...or items like washing powder, toilet rolls and so on. Even light bulbs etc...not food granted but it could still help someone who is struggling.

When I was there on Sunday, they had filled 10 crates that I could see.

3 December 2012 at 18:55  

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