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Sunday, December 02, 2012

Another Day...

It's quite pleasant outside, pity there is nowhere to go and if there was it costs money to get there, even if it was a walk through the park in a neighbouring town.

The Food Bank was collecting again in the local Supermarket and I did not quite catch the deal but they were matching what is given by those who donate food in some way by 30%(not sure if that is the value of goods or money)

Found some yellow stickered items(sausages, ham, mixed salad)worth £17 and I paid £7. I can get quite a few meals/sandwiches out of that little lot.

Went to the new discount supermarket and got some extra items for the cold weather(a woollen hat, a pair of gloves with that thinsulate stuff in them which makes them warmer, a hat that is made of similar material and for a change to wearing a scarf, a fleece neck warmer.

Biggest mistake in a long time...I allowed my supermarket vouchers to expire by two days...but worse, they had reprinted vouchers not spent previously(I don't think they arrived the last time that they should have)so value wise how much do you think I have lost out on?

£28.50($45.64)!and if I could have doubled up(and that was on offer in November)that is nearer £60($96)

I could have purchased more food or something a bit special, clothes, CD's...who knows what...


Blogger Span Ows said...

Not sure if my last comment showed up, there was no number in the code.

3 December 2012 at 16:51  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I won't say that I am not worried about what the future holds for me but had a long talk with the Government department that deals with my situation and I am more positive/hopeful than I was...ask me in the new year if I still feel that way.

Of course things may change after the budget statement on Wednesday and the new plans.

The lodger idea may be a no goer I'll have to see.

I'll keep some of what I now know private.

Tesco's have honoured my expired vouchers and will send them out again at the end of January and they found another I did not know that I had.

By then there could be more vouchers if I do some more shopping by then.

Your comment arrived safely Span.

I also have £40 in M&S vouchers too which Mum never got around to using.

3 December 2012 at 22:09  
Blogger Span Ows said...

Glad there's a more positive outlook Gildy, just that change is for the better (even if other things weren't really any better). A smile and a positive outlook are very undervalued!

4 December 2012 at 22:04  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well only I can do something about my attitude Span, happy and positive was my normal way of looking at life so perhaps that is returning.

I got out tonight to a club on the town, bought a couple of strips of raffle tickets, had a Carling Gold and was entertained for three hours.

There was a guest tonight so there was a £2 charge but the next few shows are free.

Funnily enough the guest used to be in a group called Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies. Now a week on Saturday who am I seeing in Bishop Auckland Town Hall?

Anyhow it got me out of the house, there's still some talent out there and I'd say that there was approx 50 people in the audience.

Can't really call it a folk night as there were songs from Chuck Berry to The Eagles to Frank Sinatra etc...all kinds(except heavy rock I guess)just that it was accompanied either by guitar or keyboards. By they can't half pick the guitar.

Hopefully, I will become a regular and it takes care of one night.

5 December 2012 at 00:07  

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