The Infamous Store Room...
Not the best images in the world but this is my main store of food in the dining room... there is probably more than it seems as some crates are on top of others and I have to sort things into some kind of order...
Many items have very long dates on them going into 2015 so not everything needs to be used very quickly. I have all kinds of goods from tinned fruit, sliced mushrooms, potatoes, tomatoes, tea, coffee, sugar, pasta, fruit squash, rice pudding, custard, vegetables, herbs etc...It's better to ask what I haven't got!
In between that time I can go back to using fresh milk, at present my local supermarket is doing 6 litres of Fresh milk with a date of late August for £3 so if the offer remains a while longer I'll get some but at present I have quite a lot of milk to get through.
It's not all to be stored and never touched, I do mix what I have with what's in the fridge/freezer and kitchen cupboards to make meals up and to see that stock is rotated to try and avoid wasting any foods.
I still have space in this room but this is the pantry and my supply of cereals etc...the long life milk will soon after be used as it as a use by date of the end of August but I already have another stock of milk with dates for late October and December.
In between that time I can go back to using fresh milk, at present my local supermarket is doing 6 litres of Fresh milk with a date of late August for £3 so if the offer remains a while longer I'll get some but at present I have quite a lot of milk to get through.
Very impressive Gildy. Lose the Tesco carrier bags as they degrade really quickly and are a nightmare to clear up when they do!
More crates perhaps? :-)
The carriers have packets of porridge, tea bags and disposable razors. I know that I can make a better job of it. Even if it means a room is taken over.
It would appear that I can avoid the main oven for cooking most of the time saving energy as even the salmon in the freezer can be microwaved within 5 minutes from the freezer.
What I have to avoid it would it appear are pies.
Or try and batch cook so you are not just doing one item.
It is just Tesco bags that seem to do this, so you could just swap them for some others, the long life are 6p - 10p each and would do the trick Gildy.
I had a Tesco carrier bag in storage and you would not believe the mess it made, it disintegrates into a million pieces.
loving it :)
I didn't know about sliced mushrooms. I will hunt them out as I like them in omelettes and spag bol.
Right I can soon put that right Carol,
Michelle, you can get sliced mushrooms for a bout 34p a can and they have quite a lot in the can. I like fresh mushrooms but I never seem to get around to using them up.
I have used these in omelettes and casseroles lately. You can get full button mushrooms and creamed mushrooms too.
I may have Spag Bol myself later today. I can cheat, I have some tinned and pork meatballs that need using.
Yes I am chucking out some fresh mushrooms which I forgot I had - they have grown a fuzz on them. What a waste :/ - I like tinned mushrooms too.
Still adding to the store but not as manically and whilst I am able adding more "well known" brands especially if I travel to neighbouring towns where there is a supermarket different to my own town...
You're not leaving things like boxes of cereals & packets of biscuits in open boxes at ground level are you ? That's a good way of encouraging house mice & cockroaches !
No, cereal pantry and high off the ground. Cupboards with doors on. Much of what's in crates on the floor are tins, jars, bottles etc...Windows closed, doors closed. Crates often stacked on top of each other.
Fresh food in fridge/freezer.
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