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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

No Matter How Rich You Are...

some aspects of being "well off" are ostentatious.

So ok the watch mentioned in the following article was not owned by the tennis player but there is obviously a market for such items, the featured watch(ok its a personal view)is ugly and I wouldn't pay £3 for it! I'd say that even if we were not in such austere times...

A watch that's worth more than the average cost of a house in the UK, some thing's not right! £241,000 for something to adorn your wrist to tell the time. I haven't worn a watch for over a year but there are so many ways these days to get the time from the screen on a TV, a DAB Radio, a clock, a mobile phone, a pc and so on but a cheap watch is good enough.

Sometimes people have so much money they don't know what to do with it or have more money than sense. This is when I get disgusted with the Human race. Really its only a few that behave this way. Many rich people would not.! Especially if they have had a hard life before they made their fortune, they don't forget where they come from. I hate the term "chav" and its often thrown at a certain stereotypical image of certain members of society and that would be people dripping with gold jewellery, usually track suit bottoms and so on but the rich and famous can be just as tacky and chavvy.

£241,000 watch stolen!

The Daily Mail has added approx another £10,000 to the value of the watch...


Blogger crl2amb said...

You are right - it is bloody obscene.

Kids starving and being maltreated, the elderly pushed around and yet a stupid watch means more than them all put together.

Horrible fUUUed up world we live in Anthony. Sorry for the swear word but my goodness things like this make you wonder what business we have calling ourselves humans.

I totally agree with you.

Some of us could retire on that amount!

You do make an awful lot of sense Anthony even if some (;)) pick at your musings.


13 June 2012 at 21:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll leave it to his adoration society!

13 June 2012 at 22:05  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks Carol x
The older I get I may seem grumpier but perhaps its just I have the time to see what's important(I probably always knew)

As anon says leave it to his adoration society and those who pay silly money to see him, ok he has talent to entertain and I could not play tennis as he does and yes he puts a lot of effort to reach that standard but the tickets cost silly money but someone will always pay whether its an individual or a company entertaining clients.

I see a lot Olympic tickets are not selling :-) Then again even if I could have afforded to buy one I would not have bought the tickets that have already sold.

13 June 2012 at 22:24  

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