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Monday, June 11, 2012

Ate Well, Slept Well,

and have woke to feel more like "Me!" and positive. Not upset as I was yesterday. It must have been a reaction knowing I was attending the service. The actual service was nice and gentle and there really was nothing that should have caused any extra upset but a few people did say to me afterwards, its still early and not that long since.

The vicar told me there had been quite a few people in attendance who when the service started reacted the same way

I don't remember my dreams much. But there are brief snatches this morning suggesting Mum was in my dreams last night(possibly only for seconds no one really knows how long a dream lasts)I think she was reasonably happy and healthy but I think a hospital was involved in some way. I also think I lost my way and found that I was  unable to find the room she was in...but its very hazy and that's about all I remember. It wasn't a nightmare and it did not keep me awake.

Another strange thing about dreams is trying to decide if you dreamt it through the night or sometimes when you perhaps settle down again perhaps at 5am-6am for another couple of hours.

Anyhow as I said previously, it's a new day, a new week, I hope there are no "nasty" surprises and the plan for this week is to go to the CAB tomorrow, tidy around, gas central heating sorted out on Friday and I will have to dig out the guarantee on the washer as there is a slight fault needs fixing, the compartment where you put the freshener/items to keep the washer from getting clogged up its filling up with water and it isn't draining away. Its still got approx 52 months on the guarantee.

Already had a coffee and a bowl of cereal and banana. I'll do a small shop later...mainly bread, milk possibly some fizzy and still water and that's it! Though as I go the CAB I may wait and do that tomorrow. I can manage until then.

Already having made a very quick start on tidying up I have found a couple of things I'd lost so a great start and in future I will make certain such things are put safe and in a place I know I will find them.


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