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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Its All Bad News...

When Mum went into the Nursing home in March I had a long chat with someone visiting her husband who was there because he needed care and she came every day to see him. She seemed well in health and it turned out she knew Mum and Mum's sister who passed away approx a year ago. His problem was that he cannot walk/stand on his own so needed the use a wheelchair. But the worry was that at home he might fall say if moving from bed to chair. Mentally he seemed fine. Ironically he had a fall at the home in his room but no serious harm was done and a Dr did check him out.

She seemed well, she was able to remain in her own home(she'd just been talking about having some small improvements done to her home)

She lived near a distant relative of mine by marriage(she must be around the same age)and a couple of weeks she had put a card through her door saying "Thinking of you" because my relative had lost her husband two years ago...

Word got back to me a couple of days ago that the paramedics were called and she was rushed into hospital and never recovered. Her sons and the husband in the home cannot take in what's happened and the suddenness of it all. I saw the obituary but did not connect the name at the time.

Its frightening how a situation can change.


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