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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Who Has Two Microwaves In Their Kitchen?

I do!

I've opened it now...and put it into the kitchen so I'll keep it. There could be a time when the other packs up or it could be handy running the two so you are not kept waiting for another part of the meal to cook whilst trying to keep an earlier item hot. I may eventually get rid of the older one. Time will tell. It could also be forced on me if I have to move. But I have been told that a microwave uses less energy than a conventional oven.

I managed to create a space for it and when not in use I can slide it nearer the tiled wall so I have a little more working room. What I make doesn't need a lot of preparation room.

I had a bit of a cry whilst clearing the space in the kitchen as one of Mum's favourite singers and songs was played on the radio and it was one that I was not expecting would get to me, as I sang along to it...Matt Monroe's "Born Free"

I suppose this is going to happen at certain points in the future, you'll think you're doing ok and then...wham!

I don't believe I'll ever be quite the same, however much time passes by.

A friend of mine who sometimes reads my blog but doesn't comment(maybe he does as an anon)has wished me well by e-mail and has gone through a similar situation having lost his Mum and it's been a difficult road to tred. In many ways what I was going through and talking about was painful for him as it brought back many of the feelings and emotions he had/was living.

I don't really have any keepsakes belonging to Mum so memories will have to do but sometimes there are not always memories of specific events as such, just the fact that you shared so much time together and that when you opened the door that special someone was there. I hope that I never took Mum for granted and what we had because I tell you what when it's not there, you know it!

I hope today is one of my few slightly "Down" days and I feel a little more positive tomorrow.

Well, I have just had a mug of coffee and a couple sultana scones with some strawberry jam. I feel a little warmer now.

Its been a horrible day weather wise. Gale force winds, dull and cold, more like Winter.


Anonymous VQ said...

There are bound to be blips like that, Gildy. It's still very early days.
Two microwaves? Wow!
I use a steamer a lot. It cooks food beautifully and, with two tiers, it cooks several things at a time all on the one hob.

13 May 2012 at 18:18  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I have a steamer but I've lost the instructions so it sits there...unused. Its not one that goes on a plug it in and have to put water in it.

I found myself saying that I did not want to go on and I could see no point to it all. Is that being weak or human? In many ways I have surprised myself how I am managing.

"That" District Nurse that caused us un-necessary stress had to pass me yesterday and did all she could to avoid speaking or acknowledging me.

I saw her out the corner of my eye but in a way that I could not be accused of cutting her dead.

I was interested to see if just perhaps she'd offer a quick word of condolence. In a word "No"

If I'd known Mum was never going to get out of the Nursing Home, I would have had Mum back in her home, as I know I could have done what they were doing at the home...and I am sure we could have had help from MacMillan and Marie Curie Nurses.

I do feel a bit more unsettled today.

13 May 2012 at 18:38  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

My lounging trousers are really long, I may have to take them up by four inches! The PJ's had to be shortened by approx an inch and half...I told you I was short!

I'm not going to take these to that shop for alteration...once you pay the taxi fares and what they charge it would cost more than the clothes I purchased.

13 May 2012 at 19:14  
Anonymous VQ said...

Fold them to the required length, then iron them so that the crease holds them in place. Then just run around with a needle and thread. Doesn't have to be perfect if you're only wearing them indoors. Nobody will know!
Come to think of it, if your 'lounging trousers' are 4" too long, you could cut off three inches before you sew them. Just turn up the remaining inch.

13 May 2012 at 20:40  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I've done a reasonable job on the PJ's, good enough to keep the cuffs in place...I have cottons of all colours and when I need them. I can't find them! I can see what I have done because the garments are dark and the thread is light but not to worry.

Good idea about the lounging trousers.

Another thing has gone wrong!

You knew that it would...My DVD Player/Burner in the PC is on it's way out so I am having to replace it...more expense!

My PC repair man is quoting £45...oh well...

13 May 2012 at 20:59  

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