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Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Beard Has Gone...

I told you it wouldn't last long...

To be honest I hate leaving myself unshaven and it hurts quite a bit to remove if you leave it for days..

It's a little warmer so no Long John's on today so far!

I don't look at myself in the mirror much, there isn't much to work with these days...but I am reasonably tidy. I haven't much hair these days but it has gone grey. I won't be bothering to try and change it back to its original Grecian 2000 for me...who on Earth came up with that name for a product?

I'm having a late breakfast...Honey Loops, strawberries, bananas and semi-skimmed milk. I had some toast, marmelade and a coffee earlier.

I had planned to watch a few films on tv, maybe I still will, its been ages since I watched a movie. Can't decide whether that will be something I'll get into again. I get restless now and don't feel like sitting there for a couple of hours...I've kind of got used to having a radio on in the background and being able to lie down and rest whilst being entertained.

Years ago I used to sometimes rush home from work or school to see a favourite programme, now if I happen to be out and miss something...I don't really care. I was like this before this happened with Mum.


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