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Friday, May 11, 2012

The Long John's Fit!

I suspect they'll go baggy at the knees but still do their job. Couldn't feel the warmth that was promised but probably when you put clothes over them...I will.

I can wear them a s a full set or switch the bottoms and tops with other combinations. I could always buy a couple of ordinary vests too I suppose. Likewise, I can wear the PJ type bottoms I purchased that can be worn to lounge around the house, like track suit bottoms or I could marry them up with something else and go to bed in them.

The PJ's are little roomy but that allows air to circulate and help keep me warm and those I could feel a difference with when wearing them(Brushed cotton)but I may tack the cuffs on the sleeves and legs so they don't ride up. I can manage to do that well enough with a needle and thread.

In a way I may only need to put "Proper" clothes on if I intend to go out. I can become really casual. A friend of Mum's phoned me yesterday and she said she likes to put a blanket around her. I may have a look at those oversized slumber thingy's as another way to keep warm.


Anonymous VQ said...

I'm trying hard not to visualise it all, Gildy! :-)
Glad they fit.

11 May 2012 at 08:42  
Blogger crl2amb said...

I have one of those slumber thingys as you call them. I never use it as it is only ok for sitting around and they are a bit of a faff I find.

One day we went into Primark and they had reduced their mens' dressing gowns to £4.00.

Nice cosy ones, so I purchased the small and use this for round the house when it is chilly but you can just about bear not having the heating on.

Some people love those slankets (slumber blankets) Anthony.


11 May 2012 at 08:43  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well VQ, its been that long since I had to go back to basics, in a way its all new to me and in some ways its like going back over and and returning to old times.

I can imagine those Slankets being a bit of a faff on Carol.

Love that word! :-)

Now a Dressing Gown...there's a thought! Wouldn't do any harm having one I guess but I suspect as you suggest, you need something warm on underneath for it to be any use.

I am getting used to my PJ's(mainly the design)

Its such a horrible day weatherwise, I don't have to go out, I can take the invoice for the funeral to the bank on Monday, I have enough food in the house so I'm going to have lay in and just slouch around today.

I'm still managing to avoid being depressed, I don't like it but...

Is it really a week since the funeral? Twenty days since I could talk to Mum and she was alive? Time just marches on.

I don't usually put a figure on this and won't in the best I might when the anniversary comes around.

But hey my own time is ticking ticking away. Doesn't that sound downbeat, its not meant to, it will if if I dwell on it but I take each day as a stand alone event.

11 May 2012 at 09:25  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Its different if you are ill and perhaps when professionals "Make you get up" and try and be "Motivated!"

Just as the same is true when someone in Government see it as the person being lazy and avoiding work, they'd say that even if you do work, are ill, its your day off or have been through something stressful.

Don't they say bereavement is as stressful as moving or vice versa?
And some will say that staying in bed is wrong but they can be wrong too.

Some just like to be critical.

This is a bit of "Me" time.

Of course I will get up. I may change my mind and go out for an hour even if its walking around the shops...again...

11 May 2012 at 09:34  
Anonymous VQ said...

Time does fly.
I've always found it odd. One would think that, when the most important person in your life dies, that time would drag. It doesn't. Yesterday was the 21st anniversary of my husband's death. It honestly seems like a few months ago.
At first you think that you just can't go on but you do because there's no alternative.
Gradually the pain lessens until, eventually, you can talk about that person freely and even laugh.
It's all part of life.
You deserve a rest, Gildy.
Once the weather warms up, you won't want to stay in bed.

11 May 2012 at 09:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd definitely buy a cheap warm dressing gown, they're very useful to put on in the morning when you first get out of bed & the house is cold. Also useful if someone rings your front door bell & you're not dressed. ! If the weather's good enough, try & get out every day for a little while, it will do you good !. How's the spring cleaning going ? ( :

11 May 2012 at 11:41  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thinking of you VQ(virtual hug)

I have now been alive longer than I knew my Father. In five years(assuming I'm still alive I will be as old as he was when he passed away)

Should I survive a fair time into the future its unlikely I will ever live as long as the time I was fortunate to have Mum in my life.

Time is a strange concept. In some ways it does drag when you are living through the day but suddenly a week, a month, a year has passed by especially when thinking of a loved one. Or your own mortality.

I think a day can pass quickly if you sleep a lot.

I wonder what choice I can find in dressing gowns on my town?

I had a look on e-bay for the first time Anon and found a thermal dressing gown in grey or blue for approx £13(with approx £4 P/P)I'll see if anything is available on the town, if not I may risk ordering one of these if still available. It would cost me more in bus/taxi fares probably than the P/P.

The tidying up of the house is going slowly :-(

Having said that...downstairs is well on the way and once I getthe hoover out and do a little dusting its ok...

The lounge, kitchen and dining rooms will be tidy. The dining room will now be where extra food is stored and become a sort of utility room as it has the fridge/freezer and tumble drier.

So I will only be going in there occasionally.

11 May 2012 at 12:42  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I should add that most of the sacks of rubbish and other items I need to sort out is now in one room(which was my bedroom)and may be again once all is tidy again. At least I can close the door on it.

11 May 2012 at 15:24  
Blogger Span Ows said...

I still have a couple of pairs that I used for a part-time job I had once for a supermarket logistics company...I worked in the fridge!

11 May 2012 at 15:42  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well, they must work then! The taxi driver who says he's going to give me some of his, wears them on the golf course to keep warm.

I'm going to clean out the flasks I used to take to Mum later and fill some of them with boiling water and then I can make a hot drink whenever I wish. Some stay hot for upto 14 hours or more.

Though they say will save having to keep boiling the kettle.

I may start using the hot water bottles again. Again, if there is plenty of water in the kettles I can refill the bottle without boiling a kettle all the time.

I feel as though I am going back in time...

At the minute I tend to have the heating on for a couple of hours at midnight so the bedroom is warmer for when I sleep.

11 May 2012 at 16:13  
Blogger crl2amb said...

If you are already heating water, fabric conditioner bottles filled with v. hot water make great hotties, but you do have to make sure they are very water tight. :)


11 May 2012 at 17:03  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

No suitable dressing gowns on the town so it looks like I'll be buying from e-bay for the first time...

The long john's work (: I could feel the warmth whilst shopping...

Purchased a short sleeved thermal vest top just in case it gets a little warmer and I don't need the usual long sleeve types that go with LJ's.

I have purchased another pair PJ's.

Thanks for the tip Carol.

11 May 2012 at 18:31  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Oh, No shop on the town sells bed socks but the same shop who said they didn't yesterday, had some soft grip thermal socks with a bit of a snazzy pattern on them so I bought a pair for wearing i,n bed but they cost £6.50!

They'll probably be as good and do the trick!

11 May 2012 at 18:37  
Blogger crl2amb said...

Those socks will last a long time though Anthony.

For the past few Christmases I have been given so many slipper socks and bed booties plus fluffy boots for around the house, I will never have to buy another pair this lifetime!

Seems funny to be talking about these things in May!

Been lovely and sunny here in Surrey though.


11 May 2012 at 19:38  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

It's terrible here Carol, I don't mind rain and our varied climate makes our country what it is but we've had days of it.

I may buy one more pair.

I've just been laid on the bed and reasonably warm listening to the radio and programmes once shared with Mum, seems wrong to be doing so alone especially when songs/artists come on that she knew so well.

I think I feel colder since getting up.

Think I better go and have something to eat, I've realised that I've only had two slices of toast and marmelade! Even if I eat something different(I better cook that belly pork)If I do I could still use some it for Sunday.

I don't always follow directions, if they say use within two days of opening, I'll go another day at least.

11 May 2012 at 20:14  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'll have to shorten a couple of things either by sewingI can sow a little)good enough for me or by using that wunderweb stuff. The PJ's I can turn up and it stays put but other items fall over the slippers and drag on the floor.

11 May 2012 at 20:17  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'm having a chicken and vegetable mug of soup at present, the coating on the belly pork may be too strong for me(and I may have to remove it)as it is burning my tongue so will probably do the same to my throat.

11 May 2012 at 20:39  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

The pork is fine after being cooked and those socks...

My feet are lovely and warm.

12 May 2012 at 04:03  
Blogger crl2amb said...

Were you really eating belly of pork at twenty to nine on a Friday evening Anthony?

It seems quite a radical thing to be doing. I would be plagued with indegestion!!

Glad the socks are keeping you warm.


12 May 2012 at 08:46  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Only one srrip of pork Carol. The rest went into the fridge. I eat whenever, no set times...

I actually ate very little yesterday but I was like that when Mum was around for some time and sometimes you are not burning off the calories.

I like buying fresh milk and sometimes the filtered is handy because of the extra long dates as I cannot always guarantee I'll manage to use it all. It also allows me to have some spare in the house if I do run short so I often find that UHT milk is also fine(so I purchased some when shopping yesterday)and once opened its like fresh if put chilled in the fridge.

It will save me having to make an un-necessary trip out to the shops just for milk.

As I went to bed around 2am, there was plenty of time for things to settle down...

Yes, the socks are good as bedsocks probably...

Why so late?

Downloading more Desert Island Disc podcasts from the online archive...Approx 300 still to get. The newer one's I already have without using the internet.

Oh and if I'd had time to go through my sacks of stuff that are piled in my room I'd have had the right coloured otton thread for using to shorten my PJ's but I couldn't be bothered to wait so I have sewed the cuffs on the sleeves and legs. It works for me!

I suppose I could've turned the cuffs around so the did not look like cuffs but I don't mind...

I can do that with the other pair and the lounge wear bottoms(wunderweb or by sewing)and if I like how that goes I can alway re-do this job again(I probably won't though...)

12 May 2012 at 09:33  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

There's a strange orange thing in the sky here today...wonder if we've got a break weatherwise?

12 May 2012 at 09:35  

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