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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Late Spring Clean Day...

The plan is to get stuck in to tidying most of the house today and getting rid of clutter. The room where I have moved the bags of rubbish and stuff I will make a start very soon.

If I don't find my mind wandering I hope to sleep/rest until lunchtime(I have managed three hours of restful sleep)and will go back quite soon. I have been reasonably warm too. I risked the heating for a couple of hours and mainly use it on the timer and through the night to stay at my warmest in bed but I may cut back on that if I get back to using a hot water bottle and/or we get some decent mild weather as this is supposed to be our summertime.

And where we save on the use of central heating so it can be used more during the winter. I hope I can pay the bill when it drops on the mat. But you are in the dark to some extent until it arrives.

I am not planning on going out today and there is still no rush to arrange the last few things I need to(Handing in the invoice for the funeral)sorting out probate and seeing the CAB.

So I'm doing reasonably ok I suppose. I feel a little brighter at the minute. Funnily enough my worst times are not through the night but through the day.

In the end having not eaten yesterday I decided on a bowl of cereal, milk and fruit, a glass of orange juice at the end of the day. And a few minutes ago I had a mug of coffee and some toast with marmite and marmalade(Not together)

Maybe I'll have a slad at lunchtime/early afternoon and for my afternoon snack a couple of scones and strawberry jam again. I'll think about tonight's meal later...I'll have to look again at what dishes and bowls I have that are suitable for using in the microwave, at least I have some cling film suitable for use in a micro.

I'll either have baked beans as they are open or maybe one of my ready meals(sweet and sour chicken or mushroom and rice with something)

At least I have finished my sewing, if I see another needle...its good enough for me but my sewing won't win any prizes. I watched the new Blockbusters yesterday, it was ok and quite faithful to the original but they pad it out with a lot of talking so the game doesn't last very long and its over before its begun.

That may be because in reality the budget is quite low and if they played the game more, they'd have to give more prizes and go through many more contestants.Plus there is a ad break in the middle too. I tried to watch something else and looked through the programme menu of what was on and nothing much attracted me. So I went back to the PC and "Good Old Radio!"

There was quite an interesting documentary about the singer Bobbie Gentry and the song she is most famous for "Ode To Billy Jo" which is approx 45 years old!

I'm away to my bed now...


Anonymous VQ said...

I just can't imagine Blockbusters without good old 'Uncle Bob'.
I think the new one is on Sky, isn't it? Don't think I can get that on Freeview. I'll have to do some twiddling.
As for Bobbie Gentry, d'you know, Gildy, I'd heard the name of course but I didn't know 'Bobbie' was a woman. We live and learn!!

15 May 2012 at 13:06  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Bobbie Gentry seems to have become a recluse and difficult ton trace according to the documentary and she seems to have stopped recording quite early in her career...but of course as that song came out 45 years ago and she was young then...if she tried to make a comeback now she'd be in her 60's/early 70's now...still young in years but perhaps not as a performer.

People wonder if she continued to write songs that could be recorded by others or stopped altogether...

I assume that she's living off royalties...otherwise surely someone would know of her whereabouts...

15 May 2012 at 13:57  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

No, it's difficult getting used to it without Bob...It is on Freesat and Freeview on Challenge.

Again, I am finding it strange watching some shows and Mum not being here to share like Blockbusters but she was so switched on and with it regarding music and popular culture.

I have been brighter today but find myself going over whether I/we missed something and Mum could have had some more time before passing away.

I'm not perfect and I have been going over a few occassions where I perhaps could've been nicer but I really loved Mum and she gave me unconditional love.

I rmember a time where she just suddenly said "I love you!"

I must stop feeling guilty...what's that saying about "You always hurt the ine you love, the one you shouldn't hurt at all"

I wish that I could have cuddled her more but I did hold her hand, tell her what she meant to me and held her hand...

I am getting worried about paying for the gas and electric again...If it wasn't the thought of paying rent, community charges and energy wouldn't life be reasonably ok? Everyone would say that.

I didn't take Mum for granted and we shared costs pooling our money together but now it's so difficult.

I might break even through not using as much heating and am eating less...but without Mum's money the household income is down by half in the hand.

I have just had a set of thermals and a vest delivered by that taxi driver(I hope they fit)he seems larger than me but they are only medium(I wear large)

But it's kind of him...

15 May 2012 at 14:03  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I Say that it's a was a vest and two tops...

15 May 2012 at 21:07  

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