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Friday, April 27, 2012

I Think That I Have Run Out Of Things To Say...

Except a week has almost gone by and in a few minutes I'll be listening to Desmond Carrington on the radio which we listened to together but last week I missed it as my friend at the home asked me into to help him with a computer problem. And before I knew it an hour had passed.

I went to see Mum(No offence to him)and I sometimes feel bad that I did not stay with Mum more.

When I returned to Mum's room I apologised and said something about being sorry that I had been away so long and mentioned about being away an hour and not in a nasty way Mum said, "Yes you have!" but I was with her all that night and well into the morning/afternoon so that was around 15 hours and then I was with Mum for almost 14 hours upon my return. I could not do much more I suppose.

Hope that I can listen without it affecting me.


Anonymous VQ said...

Gildy, I wonder if you have heard of Cruse. It is a bereavement care service with all sorts of help and advice...........

28 April 2012 at 08:37  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'm not depressed yet, there is an emptiness, I'm not crying as much and holding it together(ask me that after I see Mum in the Chapel of Rest)or the day of the funeral.

I longed(even when Mum was ill)to give her a cuddle but was kind of stuck with holding her hand, talking to her and giving her a kiss.

I don't know what happens in the Chapel Of Rest...I assume they still only show Mum's head. Again she'll be so cold, it will be case of look don't touch.

I know of Cruse and thank you for the information its so thoughtful of you and I am not so proud that I won't look at the website or contact them.

Perhaps I will contact them even without feeling I am that way inclined at present. Perhaps I'll see my GP, I will have to at some point because I have a medical problem that will need an op and has been put off for far too long.

I've admitted elsewhere in the blog what it is so I don't mind saying it here, I have quite a bad hernia.

Best to have it done whilst I am still reasonably young. Only this time I will be in hospital alone.

Last time we were there for each other.

28 April 2012 at 12:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They usually show you your relative's head & upper half in the chapel of rest. They will have put your Mum's make up on & hopefully done her hair, if you've asked. Also she'll have on that pretty dress you mentioned.

There will probably be flowers in there as well.

One of the funeral directors staff will come in with you, & if you want, they'll stay with you all the time. They also usually have a box of paper hankies at the ready in case you get upset.

28 April 2012 at 15:27  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

The Coroner said that there will not be a mark on Mum's neck but I'lll still leave that scarf anyhow. I have found a pair of shoes I may ask them to exchange.

What does anyone think, they a similar slip on design with the velcro straps but the one's I have given already are in a kind of olive green, these have a white background with a blue and red fancy pattern. I don't suppose it really matters.

28 April 2012 at 15:55  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Talk about being honest...I have declared what Mum had(and I am sure they'd be able to find out)If they asked for a statement it would show what has been withdrawn/spent/remains. When I started to arrange my finances(perhaps I was too quick off the mark)someone who worked in a bank and the benefits office says phone and say you got the figures wrong. How's that going to look?

She's says that they have no right to look into any account so in theory I can do as I wish with Mum's savings...

Its not a lot we're talking of but enough to make a difference. Then again its such a small amount it won't take long to be entitled to some kind of help again I am sure.

You can understand why people are dishonest even genuine people.

It won't last long, not when you are paying daily heating, electric bills, rent, community charge and food. Doesn't leave much.

And for Anon who thinks I have been subsidised long enough I have done everything as I am supposed to and have done everything above board. So will be paying all that I am expected.

28 April 2012 at 16:03  

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