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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'm Eating...

But I'm not really enjoying it!

It's more a case of I know that I have to. I might as well be eating cardboard. I am having crispy chicken with lettuce, tomato, spring onion and a wholemeal bread bun.

Around lunchtime I was passing a fish shop so I got a portion of chips and drank a bottle of cider with it and nearly went for a lay down but I had to do a lot of phoning to give details as we have a provisional date and time for the funeral.

Friday 4th May 2012 late in the afternoon.
It leaves my home at 2.30pm
Church Service 2.45pm
Crematorium 3.30pm

Not looking forward to it!

Just have to collect Mum's will(bit of a distance from here so should use a taxi but to save money may have to struggle on a bus)but I need a Death Certificate to obtain the will!

Then I shall have to register Mum's death with the Registrar but they'll need to see the will and Death Certificate but I am told that they will need to see Mum's Birth and Marriage Certificate for ID.

I have no idea where they are and I am unsure if anything else will be accepted. Neither of us have much in the way ID. Passports are out(we've never been abroad)and many things that once would have had documentation don't as many payments are done with a plastic card.

I may give them a phone call as I'll probably need to make an appointment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think they'll definitely want to see her birth cirtificate, if you can't find it,they'll provide a copy, which you'll have to pay for.

Has anyone mentioned granting probate ?

25 April 2012 at 20:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that your Mum didn't have a place for your important documents. Wasn't your birth certificate with hers and your father's?

25 April 2012 at 21:10  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Whatever was Mum's was mine and vice versa but really there isn't anything of value to be honest.

And once the clothes are given away, there will be little if anything that you could say would remind me of her.

I won't be constantly looking at her clothes, I'll put them in the wardrobe for now and close the door.

On the downstairs post of the bannister is a beautiful jacket made of lovely soft leather in a fawn colour, when purchased it cost a lot of money. Never to be worn again :-(

Purchased in 1984 and I remember because I'd passed my driving test and I drove with Mum all the way to the Lake District and Keswick(My first big journey)to buy it.

I cannot touch Mum's money(I hate talking money)until it's freed by the bank which I understand happens when they see a Death certificate and her will.

That's when the Funeral company get their money too. But the bank have sent a covering letter telling them there is enough money in Mum's estate to pay for the funeral and anything else associated with it.

What's left I am putting into my bank when its all sorted and into an ordinary current account. I won't gain anything having it in a savings account.

26 April 2012 at 18:10  

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