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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I May Catch Up On My Sleep Later...

I have to arrange the funeral at 10am so I may stay up to be sure I am there on time.

Just found a site about how to arrange a funeral on a website run by the funeral company I am using and I am now even more concerned that the post mortem on Mum has been instagted me and my questions in the last few days about what the Nursing was/wasn't doing for Mum. All I wanted was some advice/information.

Otherwise whereas I was told they were doing it because she had not been seen by a Dr, this website suggests when someone dies in a Nursing home/hopsital a PM is only done because some dies unexpectedly and if that is the real reason they are doing it, I'll start to question why I didn't get a Dr out earlier just to do a general visit, why the home didn't, why our surgery didn't call just as a normal thing to do for a patient.

You could even ask if the Social Worker was so hot on everything back here why did not call.

If they find the care was lacking how am I going to feel? If there was a chance Mum had quite some time ahead of her and was not her time to go?

Its not as if I can bring her back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know that I would take the website as gospel on that, Gildy. This sort of sounds like standard procedure don't you think? No real reason at this point to think it's anything else. It's much the same here.

They would have done the same with my Mom if she'd been in the same situation.

Regardless, Gildy, you can't second guess yourself.

Given the same situations with the same facts you would do the same today. All you can do is the best you can with what you have at the time. I don't know of anyone who was more thoughtful over every decision concerning your Mum. What else could you do?

In your heart of hearts I think you already know you did your very best and that's all anyone can ask of themselves.

25 April 2012 at 04:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, should have signed the previous post. :P

Jan :)

25 April 2012 at 04:37  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you Jan,
Thanks for all your comments...

26 April 2012 at 18:11  

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