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Wednesday, March 07, 2012


I don't know how I feel. I suppose I have taken an interest over the years and virtually always done my duty and voted as elections come around. But I have not been obsessed with it.

As you get older and your circumstances change you cannot say that your life is untouched by decisions politicians make.

However, I am now affected as it can make a difference to the care Mum receives and my own life after I lose her as my health may suffer and though it seeems ages away, I will be getting closer to being retired or called a pensioner. This is assuming I'm around for a long time to come. None of us know.

I don't like what I see. I find myself questioning how democratic our political system really is and perhaps the best I can say is that no system is great but its the best of a bad bunch. Or am I being unfair, it probably depends who is in power and how they use the constitution and all the procedures that can be called upon in Parliament to get policies through by hook or by crook.

We keep hearing that MP's want to reform the House Of Lords but in recent weeks even when the Lords have tried to change and alter what the Government wants to bring into law regarding the NHS and Welfare, the Government has still got its own way, so why they are they bothered about the second house? Really, this has shown that the Lords has less importance than perhaps we are led to believe. At best it delays the inevitable or just maybe makes some MP's think again about what they are doing. It would appear to have no effect on what the House of Commons does...

I once again direct you via this post to another powerful piece of writing at a site that has been looking out for the disadvantaged in the UK(It is mainly about those with disabilities)but many more will be affected.

Ability Disabled

I take one example...The new PIP can be refused if you say that if you soil yourself, you can clean yourself up. It doesn't take into account that it might take ages to do or might be a struggle. You cannot always expect a carer or someone to come in and see to you. They cannot be with you 24/7 and if you soil yourself, are you expected to sit in your filth until someone calls at an agreed time?

Now, if on the other hand you decide to give in and say "I'll move into care" how much more will that cost taxpayers? How many places are available? Some people can manage with a little help or with some difficulty but you may need some aid(That might be one of those chairs that lowers you into a bath)and it may be a struggle but at least if you have some independence, you are trying to have a life of your own and you are saving the country money.

Another interesting article...

Beat The Cheat


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