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Sunday, March 04, 2012

Not A Good Day...

I wonder where we are going(Hopefully not hospital)but we'll have to see...

Sometime between Thursday and today Mum is complaining that it hurts to move but I cannot establish exactly where and why...

The carer and myself thought the pain was in her lower back/leg so we were keeping an eye on it. Last night though not ideal Mum said no when she moves the pain is in her bottom where the tumour is. Today, we've moved to another possibility.

Then again...even if I/We wanted to do something weekends are said not to be the ideal time to go to hospital as usually there are no specialists on duty and at best often they put you into a bed. And the real work begins on Monday.

Also the worry is that even if the cancer has not spread, if she goes into hospital and is kept in, she once again misses her next appointment with the Oncologist. That happens in approx 10 days.

Mum is reasonably alert and with it but should she require an operation, the lack of weight and the fact they say she's weak, they may decide an operation is out of the question because she might not survive it(that was why chemo was ruled out regarding her treatment for cancer)

Then it is said that general anaesthetic on an older person is traumatic enough but if there is some dementia, it can speed up the effects of it so there is quite a lot against us.

If we can survive today perhaps we'll be better able to decide how we should proceed.

It's a pity because considering the situation we find ourselves we have been doing reasonably well. Even, though I know the likely scenario and it is only being delayed.

Perhaps a change in pain management may be all that is needed and if the pain is removed Mum will be ok again...we have some liquid morphine which Mum is reluctant to take but that may make all the difference. If we go down that route I want to see if it speeds up the dementia or any effect is temporary(as the District Nurse suggested)

The carer has clients who take morphine and are pain free(Day and night)and being so makes them more restful and when they sleep its restful sleep but Mum may dislike the feeling it gives her and I'll have to watch to see what effects it has on her and whether I think its a good idea to use it regularly.

At least Mum is drinking and I think I will still get some food into her as the day goes on. Being Sunday I hope that we will once again enjoy our radio programmes and manage to have a restful Sunday. All time together is precious.

Update:Mum is sleeping peacefully but said that she is feeling a little better(and not in pain)so I'll record the radio show and play it back to her later(I'm not going to disturb her)I've just been painting Mum's toenails(and she slept through the ordeal)I'm doing things I never thought I would and learning skills too.

Wish we had access to some smilies in our posts.


Anonymous VQ said...

Oh dear, Gildy.
It sounds to me as if you are doing all you possibly can. Even if your mum were in hospital, she certainly wouldn't be getting the attention that she's getting at home, especially as you say that she's no longer in pain.
Having her toenails painted! What luxury. And what a wonderful son.

4 March 2012 at 14:39  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well, unless you are having an operation or its something that can be done only in a hospital, home care is certainly best in most cases.

Just me being able to make Complan(full of vitamins and minerals) with Whole Milk across the day when she wants is something that would not happen in a hospital.

When she last in hospital, they were not even offering regular jugs of water, the previous hospital did so across the whole 24hours even without tea meal times.

I couldn't even use the excuse about some patients not being allowed to drink because of possible treatment.

I should add be adding a bashful smilie here after your comment...

Whether it happens or not I have to give it to Mum, she said only the other day she's going to "beat this"

And today she's talking of having some denture made and going to a dentist.

All positive thoughts...

4 March 2012 at 15:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can get Activa drinking yogurt which is as thin as milk in all different flavours.
or how about a hot pudding like 'spotted dick'? not like the old days of steaming it, today its just a couple of minutes in the MW.
that obviously has a high carb rate which is useful in these cold days and obviously gives the body fuel to fight with.
and is also irresistible with a dollop of custard.

4 March 2012 at 19:24  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you Anon,
I have some of those puddings(and custard)

I have porridge and lots of yogurts but that activa milk sounds a great idea.

I have organic whole milk which I use at any opportunity.

I have Mum on 1,000 calories so far today(Two Complans/Muller Fruit Corner, Cream of Chicken Soup)

I will get at lleast the remaining 1,000 in at some point(even if she has to eat late)I'd love to get some extra calories in so we might add weight rather than jut trying to maintain what she is now.

She's been a bit restless today(when sleeping)maybe that could be pain interfering with her sleep pattern(in the background)as a couple of times she has slept totally at rest, her body still and steady breathing. I love it when that happens.

4 March 2012 at 20:27  

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