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Friday, March 02, 2012

I Think I Can Just About...

Get away with some of the new light bulbs that have been forced upon us. The problem is that many do not fit existing lamps and light fittings well. I still prefer the old and they still do not work in many places around the home. That aside...I have found the problem is because most are manufactured in what is called "Soft" white, they are too dim(Regular readers will know I have returned to this topic a few times.

On our landing however I am using one classed as 23watt, that is said to be around the equivalent of a 120watt traditional light bulb.

So I guess the trick is to go for the brightest bulb you can find. This also helps avoid the waiting time for the bulb to reach optimum brightness.

It has lasted quite a long time but I suspect it might've lasted longer. As I replaced it earlier tonight I couldn't remember if I had switched it off at the wall but I knew it was not lit.

I did not touch any metal thus endangering myself but when I caught the glass tubes it did light up again. Closer inspection showed that some of the tubes had come away from the body of the bulb but the body of the bulb had gone brown(suggesting heat damage)

No leakage of what is inside of the tubing so no worries about anything toxic being released. I do know that they want you to dispose of these bulbs at special collection points(I don't know of any really close to where I live)and I don't want to make a journey that probably costs quite a lot nor do I want to store loads of used bulbs in my home.

Surely there should be some kind of provision for these to be collected even it was in some kind of tiny box or a plastic sack(again, it doesn't have to be large)and if it was put out with recycled items there could be part of the truck that these could be put into.

How many people are just going to say "Sod It!" and put them out with the rubbish and they will go into landfill? I can understand why they would. Even a collection point at a supermarket would help.

We had another wheelie bin delivered this week to put recycled items in so that means each home now has three(the other two being for household and garden rubbish)and finally the main household collection is now fortnightly not weekly. I Can fill a bin quite easily in one week now because of Mum being ill and I am still wondering how I will be affected if its a fortnightly collection, will I ever get on top of our waste?

I don't buy much stuff that needs recycling or because what we eat lasts a fair while that bin will not be used much. I don't buy newspapers and I usually reuse shopping/carrier bags. Oh we also have to use a little crate to put glass putting out rubbish is quite an operation now.


Blogger Span Ows said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3 March 2012 at 10:40  
Blogger Span Ows said...

reposted with closed link!

Actually Gildy, there are now some other 'new' ones: they start dim and "warm up" and I have a good feeling about them; much better than the previous new ones (like THIS) that are crap, expensive and DO NOT last much longer than the oldies.

3 March 2012 at 10:42  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

When out today I tried to buy a couple of replacement for the landing and they did not have the any as bright as what I wanted. I hope its temporary and not as I said on another post when the supermarket withdraws certain goods.

Those red spring onions have never been seen again... :-)

3 March 2012 at 16:21  
Anonymous VQ said...

I've become a bit of a rebel in my old age.
I prefer the old fashion sort of light bulb and found some on Ebay.
I bought a pack of ten and hope they will last me for a while yet.

3 March 2012 at 16:44  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

You devil VQ ;-)

I have approx two bin bags of the older bulbs and have been tempted to get some more whilst I can. I'll contact you hopefully with another site you may be able to get them at a reasonable price and I think from memory you get 24 in pack and you can have 60w and 100w and have the traditional shape or the candle type.

I understand some professions need the older type bulbs for craft work etc...and they can be found in certain circumstances.

Lets be honest the new bulbs would be no good in a TV studio, a theatre or a hospital...

3 March 2012 at 19:24  

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