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Saturday, March 03, 2012

I've Been Trying Those...

Muller Fruit Corner Yogurts but they are so runny I am pouring the contents into a glass and having Mum drink it. Always looking for something new...

Once again our local supermarket seems to have had another reorganisation of its range of soups and we've lost more of our favourites and some really expensive varieties have been added(some costing approx £2)on the other hand the supermarkets own brand is a good 20p-40p less expensive and they seem quite good value on price and quality.

We never ate a lot of meat but I can remember Sunday lunch. The first piece of beef was the favourite of everyone.

A local butcher used to come around in a little van. Its been years since I ate any beef and it about the only one "We" seemed to stop eating when the health scare started about "Mad Cow's Disease!"(Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease)

We used to enjoy corned beef too and that was another we let go, I am now trying to decide whether I should give in and at least go back to eating that. I have purchased 4 slices of the fresher kind rather than in a can. But just when I almost think that I will try it again, I seem to have doubts again.

So in the next day or two I'll have to decide whether to eat it or throw it away. A bit of corned beef or mixed in with mashed potato and onion(a kind of hash)was always nice.

I thought that Mum might enjoy the corned beef to be honest and it would give protein, taste and be easy to eat but even she a few minutes ago with all her health problems said she wasn't going to eat it and to...throw it away.


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