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Monday, March 05, 2012

Later In The Day...

Mum is not in pain. It was a bit of work but "We" managed to get Mum into the bath(It was quicker than usual)but she still had one. She has been dried and creamed. Dressed. Now she's having a nap! And is rested. She's had a Complan and a bowl of porridge...Oh and two mugs of water.

I'm going to try and be a bit more gentle when moving Mum around, its easy to forget that even what I think of as being not "Rough" might be to her. And today, now that the carer has been "We" can relax!

And apart from the District Nurse possibly calling tomorrow unless something unexpected happens we have 48 hours to live our lives calmly and not be chewed on.

So far, today is a better day...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful with that morphine, when it was first used on WW1 soldiers (and their awful injuries)it was always a last resort.One reason being becuase of its narcotic properties.
You could try a codeine (morphine's little brother) based tablet?
which is very powerful in its own right and now has to come from behind the chemist counter.

6 March 2012 at 09:20  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks for that Anon,
I've not used it since that night...still on the usual Co-Dydramol 10/500mg. They don't always work.

It took ages to decide to use the morphine I think we had it over 6 weeks before I opened the bottle and now it is open it has to be used within 3 months...and the dosage I gave(which we were told to give)was very low(It did nothing)

As I write this she is not in pain. And still has to take the first tablets of the day.

A District Nurse called a few minutes ago and said she looks quite good, her skin is in good condition and no breaks or wounds.

The dementia is still ok and the tumour is going on as it did.

More positives than negatives considering where we are but she had restless night and I had to have a more of clean this morning than usual.

I think restless nights/sleep goes with dementia but some nights are better than others but she can rest during the day so that's ok.

I'm thinking of going back to staying up most of the night and watching over her and sleeping during the day.

After what you say I thinking whether I may go back to having ordinary paracetemols and have a codeine tablet seperate.

When Mum hurt her back she was given 15mg tablets of codeine rather than 10mg as she has now so I may try and up the strength again.

I don't know if I can get that over the counter or would have to go through the Dr...

6 March 2012 at 10:10  

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