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Wednesday, February 01, 2012

They Talk Two Ways...

B***** Social Worker! I was told how the meeting went with the carer and her today.

If I divulge what I know the carer could lose her job. However, they want caring people in the profession to look after the vulnerable and sick and she has been told virtually that she is too involved.

Only in that she can see the wrong doing and how silly they are going on about things...over the top!

And some of what they want Mum to do, I know Mum has never done and will not want to do.

It's silly things such as this house is very warm and Mum likes her heating on so she does not feel the need, she never has to wear nighties(She likes shortie tops)or have lots of bedding or worrying about whether the bed linen is fancy and covered in flowery patterns etc...but on the quiet that's what they want amongst other things.

If other older people want that...fine, if Mum is content and happy and eventually when Mum deteriorates she needs more care that's fine but at this minute she wants to be left alone.

Its silly things like Mum has a chair in her room that she doesn't use and has a few creams and other personal things neatly arranged and its easy to get at what she needs. "They" want everything put in a box or us to buy a chest of drawers to store them in. Why...if we're happy as things are why do we need to do that?
Its petty stuff!

On the quiet if I don't compromise(in other words give in to their ideas)it could kick off again.

As I have said before, if you can manage to avoid being involved with the authorities, please try to do so.

Unfortunately, we had no choice. If Mum had not taken ill we would not be in the present situation.

If I ever become that ill I dread the thought that they come and try to sort me out.


Anonymous VQ said...

Doesn't it make you want to spit?
I'm so flabbergasted. I'm almost lost for words.
I wonder if they'd have the nerve to put all this writing.
Or would that make them look as daft as they obviously are?

1 February 2012 at 17:04  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I don't get it VQ,
I forgot to mention that as Mum spends some time upstairs and it has become like a bedsit for both of us, we make drinks(Tea/coffee) and sometimes have a meal so I need to wash Mugs and dishes and then let them dry in the bathroom.

They're even making noises about that!

Its not much different to when you stay in a hotel and they have tea/coffee facilities.

They seem to want to pick up on anything.

One of our relatives says if you have a district nurse and carers calling regularly..why do we need a Social Worker? I don't know the answer to that myself.

They'd pick up on anything if it suits them...

1 February 2012 at 18:24  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

By the way Mum's tops are a bit like Pyjama tops and she likes them, will she wear nighties(I doubt it)

And speaking of which I have an auntie who is about the same age as Mum(She wears pyjama's)and not with a flowery pattern.

Would they think of telling her to change what she wears because she isn't wearing what "they" think that she should?

The difference is because they have been allowed/forced their way into our home.

They keep saying its our home but it doesn't feel as though it is.

Oh another thing, word got back to me that they dislike the fact that Mum usually has a little make-up in the window sill nearest Mum so its easy for her to reach(We're talking of a lipstick and maybe a contact)and I assume that means they dislike her putting her teacup on the sill too.

99% of households may do something similar for all we know(The carer says her grandaughter has her makeup all over the place in their home)but because we have an over zealous Social Worker we have to put up with this.

2 February 2012 at 07:44  

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