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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Silly Not To...

I saw a compilation CD in a local supermarket which had enough "new" tracks that I do not have in my collection already and it was going to cost £4.97. There was an offer though that if you purchased another CD that is the store's own CD chart, you could buy this CD for £2.

I found another CD that cost £3(and again had enough "new" tracks to make it worth purchasing so I managed to buy the two for £5. So that made both only £2.50 each(or it was like getting the £3 CD for nothing)That's 120 tracks in total(and even if I lose 20 tracks on each album because I already have them)it is still quite a bargain.

I haven't quite worked out how many tunes are duplicates.

Update:It turns out I have 35 new tracks so its still not bad...


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