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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I'm talking years...but when we used to have a cup of coffee after our evening meal(sometimes cheese and biscuits too)but we always made it with boiled milk so it was always lovely and creamy.

Now, the leaflet issued by the dietitian on how to maintain/build up weight mentioned milky coffee and I suddenly thought...when was the last time I made coffee that way.

For too long I've made it with water and added milk afterwards. Amazingly, Mum said a few minutes ago "I fancy a coffee!" Its been quite some time since Mum asked for one and I have made it with boiled milk and its lovely. We never made it strong anyhow but the extra milk will add to Mum's calorie intake.

Funny how sometimes very simple ideas are the best and you need a reminder once in a while.


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