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Friday, January 13, 2012

Had A Long Chat With The Macmillan Nurses...

They think the care I am giving Mum is superb and they say Mum will be at her best in her own familiar surroundings.

They think we are being hounded un-necessarily. And they could see the points I have been making regarding the care that we are getting or has been forced upon us so good to see an independent organisation giving unbiased view. Actually saying that, sometimes those who think they know best can get it wrong.

But there are more positives than negatives regarding Mum's health and her care.
And here's the important bit...I am feeding Mum all the right foods and drinks and doing all the right things to try keep Mum's weight reasonable and keep her strength up. And can probably do so without buying the range of expensive products manufactured specifically for the purpose.

They didn't think that they could suggest anything more to what I am already doing.

Interestingly enough though they felt that we should have been referred to a dietitian or could ask to be so again when the Dr called yesterday and said he thought they were not offering the care that they should...there is a simple idea that they all seem to have missed.

When I took ill with my kidney problems 14 years ago a dietitian visited me on the ward whilst I was in hospital. The District Nurse, Social Worker, Dr etc...all seemed to have missed this as a possible idea.

I'm not a health professional and yet unless you are talking about administering drugs or doing operations etc...I really believe it is mainly down to common sense and I am doing as much as those who are being called in to supposedly help us.

Well, Complan was thought to be very good and I am off to make another for Mum now, soon I will be giving her a bowl of porridge. All said to be very good.

So do I feel that I have to justify my care for Mum and have the Dr yesterday tell me that I am very defensive? He said the social care was ok, well I see Mum's comfort, well being and what I give her to drink and eat as medical care. So I don't think that's bad either and I take notice more of the specialists at the hospital to what the GP thinks.

But again, if it was any other Dr at the surgery we are regestered I might be more responsive but this one I dislike his manner, he was arrogant and you could not talk to him. He did not have that bedside manner.


Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Mum so far today has had three Complans, a home made apple, kiwi and pear fruit juice(we seemed to get a lot of juice out of these fruits)tea and then a white chocolate and raspberry porridge made with whole milk.

I don't think that's bad and there are still six hours of today remaining...and though I have yet to decide what the main meal will be...Mum will probably have ice cream which again offers moisture.

The choice of the main meal may be fish(we've tended to always have fish on Tuesdays and Fridays)but I have a Lancashire hotpot in the fridge so...

Not a bad day, not confused much(if at all)pleasently tired and relaxed. Listening to music on the mp3 player.

Good to see I'm doing ok regarding what I feed Mum but you still wonder why its such a problem to get them on prescription in our case.

Macmillan Nurses reckon we should do all we can to keep Mum'scalorie intake up even if they think we'll never get her back to the weight she once was.

Well, perhaps its just me but as Mum has increased her intake of Complan and I am getting some more food into her...I think she is increasing in weight again. I have no reason to think that she is losing it just yet.

13 January 2012 at 17:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a tip- but remember if your Mum gets loose motions again, she must have plenty of fluids as loose motions are a common cause of dehydration.
As for GPs- dont get me started about them, I reckon half of them are chancers, who dont know their a@@e from their elbow.

13 January 2012 at 20:56  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you for that tip make an excellent point, you are juggling between constipation and the opposite. More important when someone is less mobile.

When I said I had changed Mum just as they arrived the other day and the GP went on about being dehydrated, she had passed the ideal motion so he either had no idea what he was talking about or...after what I have been through there could be an ulteria motive...

Never thought my blog would go down this route but hey...why not! ;-)

We can all learn.

If you find a good Dr that you feel that you can trust they are like gold dust.

And what I was told by Macmillan Nurses charity helpline I am doing all that I should.

13 January 2012 at 21:17  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I do go on a bit about things on here but away from the blog I do not spend hours going over everything and am quite calm.

The trouble is brought in by others.

I am probably seen as being awkward or "Digging my heels in!" but you couldn't have a more esay going person.

I'll stand up when I have to and show my back nbone but I really want to take the line with the least resistance.

It still baffles me the reluctance to give us items that many seem to get on prescription to suppliment the diet of people in Mum's situation and build her up...even if we are doing all that we should using our commonsense.

You know what? I can do my own build up drinks and foods and much cheaper. I can make them myself or
as an example buy over the counter products in the supermarket and adapt everything.

I guess its just that because of Mum's age she'd get them for free whereas we'll have to pay.

We both believe(Mum said it only a few minutes ago)she thinks that her weight has increased.

I think her legs are not as thin, Mum has noticed her tummy filling out and looking as it used to.

The thinnest area of Mum's body is her arms and shoulders.

14 January 2012 at 07:07  
Anonymous VQ said...

Hi Gildy
I can't imagine that anyone could do a better job than you.
Will you promise to be around when my time comes?
My laptop has crashed but I will keep up to date when I can use the library computers.
Keep up the good work!

14 January 2012 at 10:43  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

It would be my pleasure VQ...and thank you.

I hope your time is a long way off...I am sorry to hear that your laptop has crashed and knowing what it costs to repair or replace I can imagine that it will be difficult to replace.

Take care of you and I hope that you manage to get a pc working soon at your home...

Maybe you could consider a desktop? And there are some decent second hand/refurbished models available...

If you'd been around my area I probably could have you sortedby now...

Gildy xx

14 January 2012 at 11:10  

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