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Sunday, January 15, 2012

I Mentioned About Whether The Time Is Right...

To start a new political party with all the recent "Fun" regarding changes to welfare and the cuts being brought in. And the fact the House Lords had put a spanner in the works which I am afraid will really only offer a delay to what will happen in the next few months and years. And that many are asking who offers an alternative manifesto as the main parties are all similar.

I got into a little discussion with my fellow blogger and friend Span Ows about this and to some extent I can understand his view when it appears that "Many" take the safety net for granted and abuse it and was not what the welfare system was meant to offer. To the sick, vulnerable and disadvantaged but in reality those working the system are fewer than the media and politicians would have us believe.

But as always money can be found to try and brown nose other countries or for those projects that a particular Government favours.

And more than ever in these difficult times even those who work have no guarantees for the future as what their retirement will be like or whether you'll have a job one week to the next. So even those who think that they are safe need to think again.

Well this is quite an interesting piece even if it is more like an editorial and some will see as biased...

Nowhere To Turn For The Vulnerable


Blogger Span Ows said...

But Gildy, what you and Sue Marsh are saying is kidding yourselves: I don't think what you saying and to be honest outside of a few Daily Mail ranters I doubt hardly ANYONE believes that most of the cuts will be by filtering out the scroungers and those that rock/abuse the system. There are probably thousands of stories she cold post there as genuine examples. Obviously some money will be saved but not much in comparison with the mountain. The comments via that link are a case in point, they say cuts aren't needed but the "cuts" are only returning government spending to 2007/2008 levels, hardly the end of the world! The one comment I do agree with if the one that says that the "elite" (God they are really shite all of them) do not represent their constituents. That elite could save a few hundred million by cutting their frigging expense which still average 130K per year!!

What needs sorting is the whole system as it is clear that billions are going where it isn't needed: overseas aide should be at a minimum, not rising; loony green laws need stopping now as they are costing a fortune and will have NO return; fraudulent pension increases by civil servants needs stopping (it is actually illegal); grossly overpaid council members need their wings clipping; loads more things that save a few hundred million each or more but it all adds up. Benefit and welfare should be local where the people actually know the situation of the residents.

15 January 2012 at 15:34  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I think you make some very valid points in the last paragraph again...

I'll sound awful but I do question a lot of the so call aid that is sent abroad, some of the wars we've been caught up in etc...

And the motives of many who we are supposed to look up to as part of the elite or establishment.

15 January 2012 at 15:49  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Its anecdotal but a taxi driver I know, his wife has a condition where the vital organs can shut down suddenly, she is almost blind and she on morphene for pain control...

She's been told that she has to look for work...

16 January 2012 at 13:48  

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