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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Is Now The Time To Launch A New Political Party?

I don't really know if it could work...the intentions may be well meant but when you get into power you often find your hands are tied and many of the ideas you wish to introduce will not be possible or it will take longer than planned and your electorate will become disillusioned or impatient. Equally, some of the things you hate and want to change will prove very difficult to reverse.

Some new parties have been launched over the years and most fail or they have to join an existing political party to survive.

A lot of disadvantaged, vulnerable, disabled etc...are asking which party will offer them the best option to feel safe and secure and none of the main parties are offering any real alternative or a safety net.

Its been suggested that these very people should try and become a force. If you were going to try to do something about what's happening I guess this is the time to try it. Especially, as after the poorest in society have been kicked in the teeth, the middle class are now about to find they are getting squeezed so they may too find they have something in common with those at the bottom of the pile.

Maybe they could work together...the same is true that the Unions that have always supported Labour feel they too are being treated badly by a party that should at least offer an alternative manifesto to the other parties. There seems to be nowhere to go.

The House Of Lords has been criticised for years as being for the privileged but it is the best buffer we have to put the brakes on what the House Of Commons does especially at a time when laws can be passed on sheer numbers and you have no chance of any compromise.

And just as some MP's dislike what the Lords stand for, is it any better when the Lord's is now often populated by people are gifted the position of being in Lords by the political parties in the Commons and because of that they are probably going to go along with the policies of the party that awarded them their position.

And after the recent defeat regarding some of the changes the Government wants to introduce to the welfare system they have proved themselves to be remarkably on the ball and understanding about what the changes will mean to those most likely to be neglected by society.

The problem is that not enough was done to scupper the proposed changes and they'll probably be re-introduced and become law. Its mainly a delay and nothing more.

They say there is no money but money can always be found for projects that are dear to any Government who is in power and even a Baroness has said that its wrong that those at the bottom of the pile who had nothing to do with what's happened economically are being targeted first and as they are.

I would have said this whether I became ill or remained healthy and I still believe that as a basic element of a successful and compassionate society. Heaven forbid we go back to the idea of the Workhouse where people are hidden away from view.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ave a look in Holland & Barrett
(if you have one near),They do all those vitamin/protein/energy drinks for bodybuilders etc

14 January 2012 at 23:43  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Yes, its another option I guess. It would do no harm to see what can be found on their website.

15 January 2012 at 00:44  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I see that the Arch Bishop of York is speaking out against the changes to the Welfare Bill and how people are being treated.

15 January 2012 at 06:38  
Blogger Span Ows said...

"A lot of disadvantaged, vulnerable, disabled etc...are asking which party will offer them the best option to feel safe and secure and none of the main parties are offering any real alternative or a safety net."

No Gildy, all parties offer the safety net. The trouble is it is no longer just a safety net but a life choice extended far beyond what it was meant for even by those that set it up, the 400 a week CAP on housing benefit highlighted this, child benefit for families earning small fortunes highlights this, families with 2 or 3 generations who've never had a job highlight this (see what I posted 2 weeks ago HERE, Beveridge "never foresaw unearned support as desirable" etc

The squeezed middle are the ones who are paying already Gildy, they're the ones that these changes should help, I say should because they'll always end up getting hammered. A good way I heard the other day, take the Welfare and benefits and pensions from the TME completely and give a cheque to everyone in the country. Unbelievably this would be about 5000 quid EVERY YEAR for everyone! Of course that would't work as some would blow it immediately and be out of pocket when they need medical care whereas others would save and be penalised for it.

15 January 2012 at 13:37  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well, at present "all" are being penalised or will be. And the last paragraph of your comment is so true.

Many who might be able to help finance their last years cannot get to that situation because the limits on savings before you are disadvantaged are so low. Its no wonder many don't save or find ways to squirrel it away.

And the problem is once again many jobs do not pay a decent wage. So the State still has to step in.

And of course in many areas rents are far too high for the average family to afford and the same is true in the property markey where you try to purchase property.

And when basic elements to sustain life continues to increase(Gas, electric, fuel(to get you to and from work)and food, never mind about arein trouble.

Fraud and fiddlers of the system ruin it for the genuine but its actually small in comparison to the genuine claimants and most do get caught.

And most families are not getting as much as many believe.

15 January 2012 at 14:51  

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