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Monday, January 23, 2012

Well I hope Everything Is Going To Be OK...

I contacted the Consultant's secretary at the hospital and the results of my bloods had never been sent over to them.

So she gave me the Fax number so the results can be transferred from the Dr's surgery. Considering my condition the last few blood tests were confirmed as to being very good. And according to a quick word she had with the Consultant he expects this test will be similar.

Still my own Dr's surgery refer me to seeing a Dr(well my family Dr is away until the end of January and I'd rather see him)The letter is sent out on behalf of a Dr at the surgery so the only way I can find out what is wrong is to arrange an appointment with a Dr.

In the meantime, even though I still cannot find out anything at my surgery until 2pm the person on the phone said that she'd send the results over to the secretary but she let slip my previous bloods and these aren't that bad.

So probably/hopefully my Consultant is right when he thinks all
will be well this time.

The surprise that caused the alarm bells to ring at my surgery is a raised ESR level. What? I didn't know what that was and have never heard of it.

A quick search on the Internet informs me that it is short for Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate(That's the activity of inflammation in my body)

Now, that does not seem to concern my Consultant and might be expected because of having a condition affecting my kidneys. So hopefully its just a case of my surgery being cautious but on my case but its maybe been spotted by a Dr not familiar with me.

The ESR is found out by leaving a container of blood and seeing how quickly they fall to the bottom...if its fast its not good, if its slower that's better and it can change from day to day so a one off test is not really a good way of deciding what is happening.

So I await a call but I am more positive as to what I am going to hear.

The Consultant's Secretary was so helpful and approachable I suspect the delay is because the Consultant was out of the office and she'll have to catch him or our surgery has been slow in sending the results to him.

Perhaps I'll hear tomorrow.


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