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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Well, Here We Go Again...

Had a long chat with MacMillan Nurses charity about our ongoing situation...Was advised things looked strange and what is going on looks questionable so was advised to consider asking what they are unhappy about and why we are getting so many visits. Was told that I could possibly consider getting in touch with the local council and to consider going down the Advocacy Route and/or put in for an Freedom Of Information Request.

I am awaiting a phone call from the Carer's Association for advice too.

Now, everything happened at once.

Someone arrived to discuss/arrange me becoming appointee for Mum's financial affairs regarding anything to do with the Government.

The carer arrived to give Mum a bath.

And then the District Nurse and a Dr.

It got so busy the carer couldn't give Mum her bath(We'll still have to pay for the time she was here)Then again she stayed and listened to what was said to Mum and heard the discussion between the Nurse and Doctor so she was another witness.

Because the carer, Dr and nurse were here it messed up the visit for me to become appointee which was not completed.

I wanted to be present and hear what the Dr said to Mum and vice versa.

Mum was not as good as she has been put with 5-6 people all wanting different things from her, it was a bit confusing. As soon as they all went she was more "With it!" and even answering or remembering things she got a little wrong earlier and she got them right. Asking what day it is isn't a good question if you don't read a newspaper or listen to the news and are indoors a lot. Many of us forget what day it is.

The Dr asked what street Mum lives in and she couldn't remember but when I asked a few minutes ago...she did. In many ways I can see an improvement in Mum, she does not repeat or ask the same questions as much as she did some months ago and I can often second guess when Mum will be a little more confused "She calls it being in a muddle!" And today she had not been awake long.

She would've been better on a one to one chat and how and what was asked.

The Dr said it was good as it could be in the circumstances and it is an ongoing thing, the carer thought he was reasonably positive and we should be happier by his attitude.

"That" Dr is leaving(I don't know how to take that)whether he was always temporary or things did not work out for him. The carer has had clients of hers who he saw and he wasn't popular with them. So we'll never know the reason I guess but we won't be seeing him again.

Today, being put into a hospital was not even mentioned.

Really, the Nurse brought Dr's in about the few marks on Mum's face(mentioned in an earlier post)they were still there nearly 4 months ago so why start now to go on about them. They are slow growing and they won't kill her so today the Dr said "Why stress Mum unnecessarily" but its good to know that they can be done if they need to be or Mum wants to have them done.

Our carer disagreed with something said by the District Nurse and voiced her concern which the District Nurse disliked. But at least she managed to voice her opinion about what's been going on and the Nurse even her intentions are good was knocked back a little.

And yes, "That" meeting is taking place and the Carer has been asked to attend and the meeting is between her and the Social Worker but we still cannot find out what its about and whether I should be concerned. Or where its to take place.

The carer thinks that the Nurse set things away and then probably regretted doing so and could not stop things racing away. Who knows.

Update:To avoid future problems the carers association have suggested to let anyone in(especially Dr's)and show co-operation(so they've changed their tune and advice)so I'll not be contacting them unless I have no choice in the future. Why can people who advice not show consistency?

To avoid the possibility of that Safeguard injunction being instigated they said(We only reacted as we did to that Dr)and the one Nurse and for almost three months things were going along quite well. If Mum can continue to show that she knows what is happening, she has the right to say she wants to stay here and not be taken into care(hospital or care home)and as long as we can show she getting the best of care Mum should always be here.

Going into hospital for an operation a different matter.

Oh and of course the Social Worker is calling again on Tuesday next week and now it seems unnecessary unless she has something to tell us?


Anonymous VQ said...

Oh my goodness, As if you haven't got enough on your plate. I'm so glad you're making notes in the form of this blog and I'm also glad that you're getting independent advice now. Chin up, Gildy.

25 January 2012 at 18:32  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Bit more positive(I think)I've added some extra information to the blog entry...

25 January 2012 at 20:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gildy, haven't talked to you in awhile. Certainly does sound like you've been through it lately. :(

As I was putting together my list of programs for listening today, I ran across this one I thought might interest you:

Radio 4 Today 17:00
File on 4, Carers in Conflict

File on 4 investigates claims of bullying and abuse of power by social services.

Good luck my friend. Thinking of you and your Mum. :)


29 January 2012 at 14:09  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Hi Jan,
You can see why I have been busy...I think I heard some of that programme.

I now dislike any contact with most of the authorities that are supposedly meant to be helping.

And this is from someone(mum included)who are so easily approachable.

30 January 2012 at 18:37  

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