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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

This Is Just Sinister...

The impression given by the Social Worker(She came out to see us)is that if we are not careful "A Safety Guard" may be issued and Mum could be taken away.

She brought someone else with her who kept me busy and she talked with Mum(and then they swapped places)

I have no reason to disbelieve Mum but some of what they say Mum had said she is sure she did not. But Mum says that a lot of questions they asked were about me and how I was coping and she gave a good report about me.

But Mum said all the right things and dare I say praised me and my care and explained how happy she is to remain here.

I understand "If" Mum says it herself she cannot be "Forced" to go where this Dr seems to want to send her. I understand(I don't know if this so)that she can sign herself out of hospital and ask to come home.

Now again, I am not told the absolute truth as the Social Worker left she said she thought that a Dr would call tomorrow(They are determined, I'll say that)How did she know that unless someone has been in touch with her? And guess what when I asked who the Dr would be...its the same one! I hate being lied to.

This now means that Mum has had to talk with the Social Worker for three hours, I think that is over the top and takes quite a bit out of her.

Friends, relatives and even charities cannot understand what is going on...and why we cannot be left alone, we're doing ok!

Mum is going on fine considering what is wrong. And even the District Nurse said as much today. That's why it seems so un-necessary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you get the impression they want to move your Mum permanently, or just take her into the local cottage hospital for an assessment ?

25 January 2012 at 11:58  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Who knows...I'm sure that they know...

25 January 2012 at 13:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you tried asking them outright whether it's just for an assessment or long term ?

25 January 2012 at 16:23  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

The Dr who called today, never mentioned Mum going into a hospital.

25 January 2012 at 16:47  

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