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Sunday, January 08, 2012

Because I Feel So Strong About The Following...

And more than a little scared of the future...

This blog enry links to another blog I have on the left hand side of my own but this a specific post that is very, very important...

If you are fair minded and live especially in the UK perhaps you may like to bring it to the attention of others via your own websites and blogs...

Thank You!

First They Ignore You...

Time Limit On ESA

Many disabled or disadvantaged just get on with it but when they keep making it harder for people to manage it is understable why people are worried and scared.

I'm glad that at last it is in print just how low the rate of fraud is, as I may have said elsewhere we have a TV programme that shows what fiddlers of the system get up to but they always show the worst cases and never say "these are exceptional cases we are highlighting" or "The fact we can show these cases shows how on the ball the authorities are at cracking down on fiddlers!" They leave the general viewing public to believe this is normal and everyone is at it! And that its easy to get these benefits. I hate that programme.

Mind you can never account for the Human race, someone who claimed to be ill phoned into a radio programme to say she thought our present Government is doing all that it can to make the lives of the disabled better, I doubt that very few feel that way and I might ask what planet she's on...

To some extent I'd actually include many in our society that work and those who find themselves unemployed not just the sick and vulnerable. I have said before that whilst a minimum wage is welcome...too many employers see that as an excuse to keep wages low.

The minimum wage may be ok if a few in a household are bringing it in or if you are starting out in work after you leave education and hopefully you live with your parents and they don't take too much off you towards your board and keep, you may just about survive but its not a living wage.

And many jobs have the household having to claim tax credits from the Government to still survive so people in work are still caught up in the benefits system. So you have to question the wages many are earning. Even before the downturn in the economy many companies were "Shafting" their employees. It happens whilst you work and more than ever your works pension scheme is scaled back so you are just as poor when you retire.

We even have a big international company Unilever, in dispute with its worker's about the final pension scheme and a series of rolling strikes are to be held at factories across the UK by workers starting in a few days time. The only problem is that such a company may decide its easier to relocate and though the workers probably feel their case is justified and this strike is probably a last resort decision, the risk will always be that jobs will be lost.


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