Palliative Care...
I suppose it does what it says on the can and I have to accept that I will lose Mum but its more when rather than if. Back handed positives from the District Nurse today in that I asked how Mum was in general and though her weight mass is slight(she said she sees people with less body mass than Mum)but not to expect that I can really put weight on Mum by feeding her well and that as the cancer takes hold her weight will reduce still further.
Again, Dementia wise she sees people much worse than Mum who are still in their own home(with some extra care)and Mum is pleasantly content, happy and hasn't a difficult attitude so I should just "Plod on!" as I am doing.
Not to worry too much if she doesn't eat too much and to let Mum eat more or less what she would like and when she'd like. To carry on with the Complan's, rice puddings, custard, porridge and so on. Plenty of drink to stop dehydration.
She did a little more than usual and actually gave Mum a blanket bath...
The tumour has started bleeding slightly and whereas I thought it was larger, she tended to say it looks different but still looks reasonably good. Of course we can only see the side of the tumour that is visible not what is happening on the other side. We'll see what the Oncologist says tomorrow.
The District Nurse is coming again on Thursday or Friday with a GP from Mum's surgery just to give her a once over and to see if Mum needs to change her pain medication for something better.
Not sure if things are much the same or I have more to worry about.
Again, Dementia wise she sees people much worse than Mum who are still in their own home(with some extra care)and Mum is pleasantly content, happy and hasn't a difficult attitude so I should just "Plod on!" as I am doing.
Not to worry too much if she doesn't eat too much and to let Mum eat more or less what she would like and when she'd like. To carry on with the Complan's, rice puddings, custard, porridge and so on. Plenty of drink to stop dehydration.
She did a little more than usual and actually gave Mum a blanket bath...
The tumour has started bleeding slightly and whereas I thought it was larger, she tended to say it looks different but still looks reasonably good. Of course we can only see the side of the tumour that is visible not what is happening on the other side. We'll see what the Oncologist says tomorrow.
The District Nurse is coming again on Thursday or Friday with a GP from Mum's surgery just to give her a once over and to see if Mum needs to change her pain medication for something better.
Not sure if things are much the same or I have more to worry about.
Well, Gildy, whatever they say, you can hardly do more than you do at the moment.
It sounds to me as if you mum is as happy and content as she could possibly be, given the circumstances.
As for 'plodding on', I think you do a sterling job, far above and beyond the call of duty.
Well done you!
Thanks VQ(and for staying in touch)
I think given the circumstances Mum is content and happy(not worried either)The District Nurse who called today was the one that cause the problems but today she was much more understanding.
Seemed open to my ideas and to what I was saying.
She probably got a surprise as Mums hands were not only clean but she had nail varnish on.
It appears that a GP was calling tomorrow anyhow(follow up to Mum's stay in hospital)the Nurse has cancelled it and they are both coming on Thursday lunchtime.
To do what I am not quite sure. Perhaps for the reasons I mentioned or maybe there was something in Mum's notes from the hospital we are unaware of.
Dont forget the ice cream.
A great source of fluid & energy and easy to swallow too.
Thanks for that, why did I forget to include it. Mum loves ice cream and I do(whilst I am able)buy the best quality.
I could also make some Angel Delights(they have a lot of milk in them...)
Well, Mum's had quite a good day and foodwise though small portions, she has had rice pudding with whole milk.
Just as with porridge Mum was never ever going to eat Rice Pudding but she has and doesn't mind it.
Fish, new potatoes and sliced green beans, peas and broccoli which I chopped up finely.
A home made juice of carrot, celery and cabbage.
Some Complans...made with Whole Milk
And later some ice cream with raspberry sauce.
I'm happy about that...I even got Mum's cod liver oil, garlic, tomato and cranberry capsules into her too...
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